WelCoMe to NotoRious PrOdUcTionZ.. Hosted and OperatEd by ya Boi The NoToRious Joe.. Born n RaiSeD on the SoUtHweSt SiDe of Detroit City..Original Home of the PiMp HoEs n PlaYas...Im a PrOduCeR/PlaYa aNd I lOve MoNey, Cars, BiKeZ, and PusSy...I ProDuced NumeroUs Albums for DifFereNt Artists in Tha "D"... I Also Have a SouNdCliCk Page to listen To More Beats you can Go to My YELLOW SOUNDCLICK BUTTON BeloW under my picture slide or sImpLy got to www.SoundCLIck.com/TheFruityLoopKing Or send me a message for a ColLab or anything PeRtaiNing to mUsic or If u A fiNe azZ female and u FeelIn me So we can Hook Up Holla at ya Boi Whether u LookinG for A Fine Azz NigGa or some Quality BeAtZ or If u WanNa HooK up on thE Bike Tip anD YoU a RiDer Im yA Manz South Side of 8 MiLE DeTrOit StanD up!!..