Zawadis Shadow profile picture

Zawadis Shadow

About Me

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How I made my profile:
I used Dave & Jay's amazing myspace profile editor ...
There are just 32 amur leopards left in the wild!!
How could we just go so far?!
Don't let this great species extinct in such a cruel way...
Please help to save the last amur leopards: asp?themeid=3
This is my latest video.
I made it just for the amurleopards:
Amur Leopards - Has their end come?!
AMUR LEOPARD "Almost Extinct"
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I love Music! Most time I listen metal, but no worry, I am (normally) a nice guy
I also love photographing. I am no professional, I even don't have a special camera,
just a Canon Coolpix with 4 megapixles.
But this stupid thing is kapud now. So I bought a little bit better cam.
A Canon EOS 450 DSLR. Great thing.
I have upload some photos, shot till yet, in my photo album. :)
But there are the animals I love most!
I want do something for them because I hate the abuse that humans do to a living creature!
I am member of the National Geographic Society and have sundry sponsorships for endangered species:
Amur leopard, North Chinese leopard, Kaukasus leopard,
Snow leopard and for the Amurtiger.
As you can see, my favorite animal is the leopard.
The mysterious lifestyle of this great cat fascinate me.
But it is also the past of the leopard species, that make it to my favorite animal.
It is a sad past (and present too), full of cruel and pain,
and therefore I encounter him with reverence and appreciation.
This is a video I made for them:
For the leopard

The video shows the sad reality...
why 500.000 leopards must die, in the last 50 years.
This is my tribute to the last leopards...
This is the german Version of 'For the leopard':
For the leopard (deutsche Version)
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I started my "leopard study" 2004.
During this time a male leopard named Tjololo and a female named Zawadi dears to my heart.
I know a big part of their lifes.
In this time, I see them nearly every day.
Sadly Tjololo dies in November 2007.
One does not become a hero by killing... becomes a hero by treating all living things with love honour and respect!
Always Remember!
What goes around, comes around...someday!!!
Tolerance and love...just two things we can learn from animals...
This is taken from the beautiful and touching documentary 'Eye of the leopard':

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

This girl has the beautiful swahili name Zawadi
That means The Gift
And she truly is a gift for me...
Thank you, my old girl, for showing me the beauty
and the magic of your species...
You will always have a special place in my heart

And I wanted to met him. The famous leopard Tjololo
But sadly he dies November 2007 :'(

Tjololo...Rest in Peace, old boy...

My Blog


Here is a short video of my friends and me at our favorite sport > Freeskiing.We are no professionals, we do this just for fun...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 11:07:00 GMT