Dealers of Official Gameness and UFC Fight Gear, Fighting Legacy is dedicated to the best in fighting sports. We are fans, competitors, coaches, and dealers of fighting sports clothing and equipment. We invite you to explore our main website located at and check out what we have to offer.
Ronaldo "Jacare" Souza Highlight
What about our name? What does it mean? Well, to be plain and simple about it everyone knows that a "legacy" is something that you leave behind, something that continues after death and through many generations. The 2002 edition of Webster's New Dictionary of the English Language defines the word "Legacy" as an "inheritance". We chose this name in respect to what we intend to leave behind, not only as a company, but as individuals.
We are a Christian based company that takes pride in setting a good standard for others to follow. Our forefathers in Fighting Sports have left behind a legacy for us to push our sports into the new generations with a positive impact. In that same sense, we intend to promote positive growth of individual spirituality with our Christian reference pages. It is our mission to represent God, the Fighting Sports, and our Company in the most positive light possible.
Take a look at our slide show below to see a few of our available products. You can visit our Online Pro Shop at
We hope that you support us in our efforts. May God bless you in all your endeavors!..