BatSTUD profile picture


When you wear nothing at all you wear it so well...

About Me

I'm a gigantic STUD. Nice to meet you. California born and raised, and newly proud of it.
Anyhoo, as I was saying, I'm a STUD. I pretty much live for fun. I don't necessarily love working but I mostly love my job if that makes any sense? I love hanging out with my friends, kicking back and having some drinks, watching movies and listening to music (always good music, and usually really great, obscure music, that you haven't yet discovered because you are probably no way as cool as I am - and yes, include Country music and it's always a date). I'm a struggling independent filmmaker and writer who graduated from High School, tried on college and said, "ew, take it off, take it off!" Instead, I make movies with my friends and our production company: Trifecta Productions.
So you can imagine I've had a lot of jobs and I've learned some things about people. People are STUPID. Seriously, something like 70% of the world's population is RETARDED. And 50% of that 70% is freaking INSANE.
I like to travel. I'm not a huge fan of the ocean (hey, there are sharks out there), but I love to swim. 80's shite ROCKS. SUV's kill people. I think Dane Cook is the funniest man alive. I HATE McDonald's and most fast food places in general. I hate politically correctness. I think Maddox is the MAN ( I abhor the Oscars. I believe in God and hate Satan (if he were here, I'd kick him in the FACE). I consider myself to be a Scottish-American as long as people call themselves things like African-American and Italian-American. I LOVE pizza. I absolutely believe that life is about BALANCE. I think Oswald was a patsy. I like working out (most of the times). I fear for my hometown due to its ever increasing population. Most MORONS/people on this planet can't figure out that tipping is twenty percent. I love Chuck Norris facts. I'm well versed in the supernatural and paranormal. I like camping and the outdoors. I think Ninja's would kick the crap out of Pirates. I think Dave Chappelle DID go insane, but I liked his show when he wasn't crazy and just funny. I love hockey, it's the best (go Ducks and Avalance). I really enjoy cooking. I can sometimes be a bit of a dork. I have a thing for redheads (but I'm an equal opportunist, as well). I severely dislike Liberals and believe that there is no difference between your average Liberal and a card-carrying ACLU fanatic. I think boob jobs are for the vain, and that my friend is a sin. I've been obsessed with figuring out who Jack the Ripper was since I was a kid and recently fulfilled a lifelong goal to visit Whitechapel, London. I'm Pro-Life. I think organized religion is one of the worst things to happen to this planet. I love drawing and painting (mostly ink wash and watercolors). I think you're insane if you don't believe Bigfoot exists. I will NEVER "go green". I voted for George W. Bush...TWICE. I believe in the Constitution. I like a good mystery. I hate "feminists". I like the Winter because it's cold. I think everyone who supports PETA should be shot in the head. I hate bad drivers. I like to drive fast. I'll have a Hefeweizen, Gin and Tonic, and/or Vodka Martini - Dirty. I love shooting guns and I am a wonderful marksman. I don't understand people who are obsessed with "celebrities". I'm getting into Archery, and getting better by the day. I think the so-called "real wives of Orange County" should be tortured for at least a year. I used to play the on-line game World of Warcraft religiously, now just recreationally. I am a modern day Renaissance man. I love humor that's random. I don't think we landed on the moon. I love practical jokes. I quit smoking cold turkey. I could OWN you on Street Fighter II, and well, any video game, for that matter. I'm a brilliant photographer. I believe that a real life Superman could save the world. I'm not a gambling man, but I'm pretty decent at poker. I think every child predator that is caught by Dateline and through any other means should be instantly put to death. I'm a huge Star Wars and Star Trek fan (notice I didn't say geek). I think ALL drugs should be legalized and people should be allowed to carry guns. I dislike long walks on the beach only because that's what so many people say they like. I like short walks on the beach. I like kidding around as you can see having read this rant. And you know what, I think I like you too...
Probably not...

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

At this point, I really don't have any interest in meeting new people at all. People, especially women are INSANE.


Short list of some greats: Garth Brooks, Dishwalla, Live, The Shins, Third Eye Blind, Tim McGraw, Nickelback, Aerosmith, Fuel, John Williams, Dashboard Confessional, Snow Patrol, James Blunt, Counting Crows, Sarah McLachlan, Pearl Jam, Jimmy Eat World, Mad at Gravity, Schuyler Fisk, Breaking Benjamin, Gin Blossoms, Collective Soul, Yellowcard, Remy Zero, Toby Keith, etc.


Gigantic movie buff here, so I will try to keep this short, here are some all-time faves: E.T. (still gets me everytime, and if you have never felt anything while watching this movie then you have no soul), The Matrix, Titanic, When Harry Met Sally, Transformers, The Incredibles, Garden State, The Untouchables, Aliens, Terminator 2, The Monster Squad, Scream, Old School, BATMAN BEGINS, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Patriot Games, Serenity, Star Wars, Die Hard, Hudson Hawk, Indiana Jones, Green Street Hooligans, The Crow, The Lord of the Rings, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Goonies, Sin City, It's a Wonderful Life, The Passion of Christ, Ghostbusters, Willow, For Love of the Game, Vanilla Sky, The Gift, Sneakers, Kill Bill, Before Sunset, The Explorers, The Princess Bride, Pulp Fiction, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Love Actually, Labyrinth, Harry Potter, Fight Club, L.A. Confidential, The Burbs, Mallrats, Clerks and many, many more...
Current Favorite Movie: Choke


Trying not to watch too much TV, but every season I just add more and more to my list: 24 (WHICH FUCKING ROCKS, GO JACK!), Heroes, Smallville, Two and a Half Men, How I Met Your Mother, Knight Rider, True Blood, Fringe, the Office, Family Guy and Battlestar Galactica. Best shows ever to go the way of the dinosaurs: Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Friends and Quantum Leap. Other past favorites include: X-Files, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: the Next Generation, Millenium, Mad About You, Dawson's Creek, Knight Rider, Magnum PI, Lois and Clark: the New Adventures of Superman, the Tick (live-action) and more.


Best book ever:

However, everything by Koontz is great, although I highly recommend Odd Thomas and From The Corner Of His Eye.

Currently reading: Wicked by Gregory Maguire, Armor by John Steakley, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Long Goodbye (Season 8, BABY), and Angel: After the Fall both by Joss Whedon.


Joss Whedon, Batman, JACK BAUER, Dean Koontz, James Cameron, Garth Brooks, Bruce Willis, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Kevin Costner, Wyatt Earp, Glenn Beck, Dr. Laura, Ulysses S. Grant, and Theodore Roosevelt, BABY!!!"I never advocated war. Except as a means for peace." Ulysses S. Grant

My Blog

"Kill" by Jimmy Eat World says it all...

Well you're just across the street Looks a mile to my feet I want to go to you Funny how I'm nervous still I've always been the easy kill I guess I always will Could it be that everything goes around...
Posted by BatSTUD on Fri, 29 Feb 2008 04:33:00 PST

Time Magazine...

Well if ever Time lost all of it's credibility (as if it hadn't done so yet, the liberal fuck-shit-fest that it is), it's done so now. By naming Al Gore it's 2nd place "person of the year". And I quot...
Posted by BatSTUD on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 06:24:00 PST

The Difference...

So I'm working tonight and I hear this table getting sat prior to actually seeing them. It's my table, and my manager walks by and offers me, "good luck." It's cool, they were loud and obnoxious as th...
Posted by BatSTUD on Tue, 04 Dec 2007 02:36:00 PST

My Lucky Day...

I wake up Friday afternoon to find my cell phone the nagging antagonist that it sometimes tends to be. It was Josh on the phone, and he starts telling me about how Garth Brooks is going to do a benefi...
Posted by BatSTUD on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 11:39:00 PST

FUCK New Orleans...

That's right I said it. I've been wanting to say it for a while. But I never had the context with which to truly battle the idiocy that is the people that make up New Orleans. Until now... The fires o...
Posted by BatSTUD on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 06:15:00 PST


"When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce the people under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off suc...
Posted by BatSTUD on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 06:44:00 PST

Live Free And Don't See Die Hard!!!

It's taken me 26 years, nearly to the hour to do something I have NEVER done: Walk out of a movie before it's finished. I saw a midnight showing of Live Free or Die Hard tonight and walked out after a...
Posted by BatSTUD on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 01:54:00 PST

Support the troops, end the war???

I saw this bumper sticker on a car the other day. And you know what, I'm done listening to this point of view. For one thing, watch the eyes of any liberal who utters some sort of drivel like this. Yo...
Posted by BatSTUD on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 10:04:00 PST


So I've been back a few days now and have finally mustered up enough strength and thoughts to hit you all with the best possible way to accurately sum up the whole experience. Coupled with the picture...
Posted by BatSTUD on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 09:40:00 PST

Off to Europe...

So I'm about five hours away from heading down to the airport to start my long journey in Europe. It's pretty surreal and I'm just going through the motions and stuff, gettin' ready to go. I'm sure t...
Posted by BatSTUD on Sat, 19 May 2007 01:57:00 PST