At this point, I really don't have any interest in meeting new people at all. People, especially women are INSANE.
Short list of some greats: Garth Brooks, Dishwalla, Live, The Shins, Third Eye Blind, Tim McGraw, Nickelback, Aerosmith, Fuel, John Williams, Dashboard Confessional, Snow Patrol, James Blunt, Counting Crows, Sarah McLachlan, Pearl Jam, Jimmy Eat World, Mad at Gravity, Schuyler Fisk, Breaking Benjamin, Gin Blossoms, Collective Soul, Yellowcard, Remy Zero, Toby Keith, etc.
Gigantic movie buff here, so I will try to keep this short, here are some all-time faves: E.T. (still gets me everytime, and if you have never felt anything while watching this movie then you have no soul), The Matrix, Titanic, When Harry Met Sally, Transformers, The Incredibles, Garden State, The Untouchables, Aliens, Terminator 2, The Monster Squad, Scream, Old School, BATMAN BEGINS, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves, Patriot Games, Serenity, Star Wars, Die Hard, Hudson Hawk, Indiana Jones, Green Street Hooligans, The Crow, The Lord of the Rings, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, The Goonies, Sin City, It's a Wonderful Life, The Passion of Christ, Ghostbusters, Willow, For Love of the Game, Vanilla Sky, The Gift, Sneakers, Kill Bill, Before Sunset, The Explorers, The Princess Bride, Pulp Fiction, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Love Actually, Labyrinth, Harry Potter, Fight Club, L.A. Confidential, The Burbs, Mallrats, Clerks and many, many more...
Current Favorite Movie: Choke
Trying not to watch too much TV, but every season I just add more and more to my list: 24 (WHICH FUCKING ROCKS, GO JACK!), Heroes, Smallville, Two and a Half Men, How I Met Your Mother, Knight Rider, True Blood, Fringe, the Office, Family Guy and Battlestar Galactica. Best shows ever to go the way of the dinosaurs: Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Friends and Quantum Leap. Other past favorites include: X-Files, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: the Next Generation, Millenium, Mad About You, Dawson's Creek, Knight Rider, Magnum PI, Lois and Clark: the New Adventures of Superman, the Tick (live-action) and more.
Best book ever:
However, everything by Koontz is great, although I highly recommend Odd Thomas and From The Corner Of His Eye.
Currently reading: Wicked by Gregory Maguire, Armor by John Steakley, Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Long Goodbye (Season 8, BABY), and Angel: After the Fall both by Joss Whedon.
Joss Whedon, Batman, JACK BAUER, Dean Koontz, James Cameron, Garth Brooks, Bruce Willis, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter, Kevin Costner, Wyatt Earp, Glenn Beck, Dr. Laura, Ulysses S. Grant, and Theodore Roosevelt, BABY!!!"I never advocated war. Except as a means for peace." Ulysses S. Grant