WeLl first oFf...My name is BrEsHaY♥
oR b*ShAY sHaY,SHaY*sHAY,BrEsHAy*sHAY (whIch evEr 1 yOu caLl me iS fINe)
I aM in HiGhsChOoL * gO tIgErS *
IMma 15-
I'MmA Jv ChEeRLeaDer..aNd I ♥ mY cHeer gIrLs
sPendN tIme w/ mY faMily&frieNds iS WONDERFUL♥
I lOve..LoVE..loVe GOD ♥
I hAVe a LoT of BesT-frIends *cant Name theM aLl*
i LiKe tO pLay TeNnIs,rUn,cHeeR/tUmBlE,aNd jUst aCtn CraZe
MaKiNg PeOplE LaUgh iS my jOb
i LiKE gOiNg oUt (mOvIes-mAlL-anYwhErE bAsiScAllY)
MaKeN nEw fRieNds
I ♥ tHe BEACH!
ImMa rEaLLy pEpPy-anD HyPeR
ReaLLy OuTgOiNg (iMma NOT scArEd 2 sAy anThinG 2 anYbOdi)
I aM tHE tYpe Of PerSon Who LiKeS tO drEss iN dIfFErEnT sTyLes
I tRy 2 GeT aLonG w. mOST pEopLE *uNlEss yOu tAlk abOuT mE*
I liKe gOing 2 cOok-ouTs and eaTinG ouT
SHOPPPING is mY anTi-drUg
♥= NeW-YoRk ( iTs sOoOo Me)
DoInG New ThInGs aN LiViNg lIfE 2 The FuLleST..cAuse yOu nevEr knOw wHat tOmmOrOw mIgHT brIng
anD i jUSs HeArT my LiFe aNd beIng mYseLf B-sHay. Ive realized, that in my LiFe
are going to hurt me.
but its up to me to deCide
who's worth the pAiN
. LiFe
is like a miLliOn pictures
in a photo album.
You cAn
but you can nEvEr recapture it.I ♥MY Mp Jv FoOtBaLl PlaYeRs 10-0 BaBy (cOnFeRenCe ChaMps!)...