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In einer Zeit, in der Blackmetal-, Melodic Deathmetal- und Metalcorebands immer zahlreicher werden, hat sich Andastra dem Ziel verschrieben eine Brücke zwischen Speedmetalbands wie Blind Guardian/Iced Earth und Pagan-/Vikingmetalbands wie Ensiferum zu schlagen.
Wichtige Kriterien der Musik Andastras sind harte, schnelle Gitarrenriffs und treibende Drums, die aber immer Platz für klare Melodien in den Gitarren, dem Gesang und für Chöre lassen. Andastra ist 2008 von Andreas Hoffmann (Leadguitar), Jonathan Theis (Vocals) und Benjamin Zimmermann (Rhythmguitar) in Hamburg gegründet worden und nahmen im September 2008 ihre erste Demo im Fat-Pound-Of-Sound Production Studio auf. Später kam Hannes Mötting als Bassist in die Band, als Guestdrummer fungierte Eggert Thode von Devastator und Uncreation. Alle Bandmitglieder waren bereits in anderen Formationen tätig. Anfang 2009 verließ Jonathan Theis aus Zeitgründen die Band und Benjamin Zimmermann übernahm den Gesang.
In a time, where the number of blackmetal-, melodic deathmetal- and metalcore bands is steadily increasing, Andastra devoted itself to build a bridge between speedmetal, like Blind Guardian or Iced Earth, and pagan metal like Ensiferum.
Major aspects of Andastras music are hard and fast guitar riffs and driving drums which nonetheless leave space for clear melodies of the guitars, solo singing and choirs. Andastra has been founded by Andreas Hoffmann (leadguitar), Jonathan Theis (vocals) and Benjamin Zimmermann (rythmguitar) in 2008 in Hamburg and recorded its first demotape in the Fat-Pound-of-Sound production studio. Hannes Mötting joined the band as bass guitar player and Eggert Thode (known from bands like Devastator and Uncreation) contributed as guest drummer. All members of the band have already been part of other formations. At the beginning 2009 Jonathan Theis left the band and since then Benjamin Zimmermann is leadsinger.

The Right To Revenge Reviews
Slideshow for our loyal Friends & Fellows! You are the best!
For Order
Death And Destruction

My Interests


Member Since: 8/12/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: World Visitor Map

Benjamin Zimmermann - Vocals, Rhythmguitar & Backing Vocals

Andreas Hoffmann - Leadguitar & Backing Vocals

Hannes Mötting - Bass & Backing Vocals


Sounds Like:

Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

2 new songs!

Hey our loyal friends!We wrote 2 new songs! The first one is a ballad called "Feather Forest". It's a quite pacifistic song about the until now untouched it must be a ballad :-DThe seco...
Posted by on Mon, 06 Apr 2009 02:03:00 GMT

You will be on our new slideshow!

Hello our friends all over the world!If you were one of these guys and girls who bought our CD we asking you to take a picture of you and the CD and send us the photo [email protected] ...
Posted by on Tue, 31 Mar 2009 06:05:00 GMT