Hello I am Stephan Michael, and this project was formerly marketed under Stephen Michael Gibb and as a 37 Year old Guitarist, songwriter, singer, publisher, and record company owner I started out playing guitar in 1981 and started writing and recording material in the early 90s. I have always loved to tackle subjects that are difficult for people to think about, I believe that as an artist I have a responsibility to be as real and truthful about who I am and what I believe. I truly believe that we are here one time and we better get it right the first time because we don't get to re-play our lives. One of the thigs that I really love about this music is that I can work with all kinds of fantastic musicians that compliment my music and that is very rewarding and allows me to grow as a musician. I really believe that in between being born and dying there is a whole lot of living that has to go on in between. Let's start living and showing kindness to one another. I am now being managed by Lunarcane Records Management Company which is a division of Lunarcane Records which is my label. I am now being marketed as The Stephan Michael Band so check out the band page at www.myspace.com/stephanmichaelband2008! Thanks, Stephan
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