If music be the food of love, play on; Give me excess of it....
What can I say - mostly bored these days - work to live, but just love to break free, tune in and drop out whenever possible and become Hunter S. for a while. Confirmed festival junkie - regular T in the Park, Belladrum and Connect. I'm the one dancin on his own :(
Love travel and culture(s) of all kinds. Love playing the drums (badly but with great enthusiasm!) if you are a real masochist you can hear some here;
Love watching the kids grow into people and still being able to communicate with them (mostly!)It's hard trying to give them their independance - festivals are a good place to start! Love them to bits.
Hate all the shit we are forced to put up with these days -politicians and global business fucking up the whole place then trying to blame everyone else for the mess. George Orwell saw it coming. Anarchy for the masses - Wolfie Smith lives! Awake, Aware, Alive. What a lot of *rap I talk sometimes. Roll the dice. All you need is love.
Really enjoying Myspace, it's like having the sorely missed John Peel at your fingertips
R.I.P. Albert Hofmann - Thanks for all the dreams....
I don't tag major bands here - only the up and coming, so please check them out and help them along.