“LGBT Americans are entitled to equal respect and dignity under our laws. Discrimination is morally
wrong, no matter who the victim is. All Americans should have the same freedoms and the same
responsibilities.†-- John Edwards
Edwards believes that couples in committed, long-
term relationships should have the same rights, benefits, and responsibilities, whether they are straight
couples or same-sex couples. He supports civil unions to guarantee gay and lesbian couples the same
rights as straight couples, including inheritance rights, hospital visitation rights, equal pension and health
care benefits, and all of the 1,100 other legal protections government affords married couples. Edwards
supports the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act provision that prevents the federal government from
recognizing same-sex relationships. He also believes same-sex families should be treated in the same
manner as other families by our immigration laws. Gay marriage is an issue he feels internal conflict
about and continues to struggle with it. However, Edwards believes the right president could lead the
country toward consensus around equal rights and benefits for all couples in committed, long-term
relationships and opposes divisive Constitutional amendments to ban same-sex marriages.
Workers should be judged by the quality of their performance,
not their sexual orientation or gender identity. While in the Senate, Edwards cosponsored the
Employment Non-Discrimination Act. He also believes that stronger enforcement is necessary to prevent
employment discrimination by federal agencies.
Edwards opposes the current “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell†policy on gays and
lesbians serving in our military. The military ought to treat all service members equally and in a way that
promotes national security, without regard to their sexual orientation.
Edwards believes that gay and lesbian parents should be able to adopt children just like
any other parents. There are over 120,000 children waiting for homes in our nation’s foster care system.
Adoption placements should be decided by judges and adoption agencies based upon the best interests of
the children. Both members of a same-sex couple raising children together should be able to form a legal
relationship with their children.
Everyone is entitled to live in dignity without fear of violence. We should strengthen
the ability of law enforcement to investigate and prosecute hate crimes based on race, gender, religion,
national origin, sexual orientation, disability or gender identity. While in the Senate, Edwards
cosponsored legislation to give law enforcement agencies the tools they need to investigate and prosecute
hate crimes.
There is an urgent need for more resources in the fight against HIV/AIDS, both
domestically and internationally. As a member of the U.S. Senate, Edwards was proud to fight for greater
funding for the battle against HIV/AIDS, and co-sponsored the Ryan White CARE Act. As president,
Edwards will continue the fight against HIV/AIDS through funding for this program, Medicaid, and other
critical programs.
Join the Campaign To Change America
» Statement on Bush’s Threat to Veto Hate Crimes Legislation
» Statement On House Passage Of Hate Crimes Bill'
» Edwards Calls For An End To 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
» Edwards Statement On the Surgeon General Nominee
» Statement on New Hampshire's Recognition of Civil Unions
Join the Campaign To Change America
NEW » HuffPo Declares Edwards "Clear Winner" of LGBT Debate
Photos » HRC San Francisco Annual Dinner 2007
Video » Elizabeth Speaking at HRC San Francisco Dinner
7/15» John Edwards Will Help Repeal Anti-Gay Laws
7/14» Recent Homicide Illustrates Danger Of Hate Speech
6/26» L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center Press Release
6/26» Edwards Visit To The L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center
6/26» John Edwards Visits L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center
6/25» Elizabeth and John on Gay Marriage
6/25» Elizabeth Edwards supports same-sex marriage
6/24» Mrs. Edwards comfortable with gay unions
6/22» Daily Kos- Elizabeth at SF Gay Pride "Major Deal"
6/21» The Advocate- Edwardses Make LGBT Inroads
6/22» Edwards wife seen as "breaking barrier"
6/21» Big pride moment for Edwards
3/3» Use Of Anti-Gay Slurs Have "No Place In Our Society"
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