shopping mountain cLimbing hanging out aRound str0lling eating paRteeing chiLLing out scuBa diving ice skiing sLeeping..zzzZZZzzz watching movies dancing acting singing suRfing coLLecting bags, cLothes, saNdaLs, jersey's, shades, beLts, watcHes, skiRTs, panTs, cAps, ceLLph0nes, eariNgs anD waLLets!! whew..=)
YOU! yes, you!
RNB,hipHop,Love sonGs, ALternative...
So many to mention but my favorites are the Texas chainsaw massacre, Shutter, and Cinderella story...
Purp0se driven lyf buk!! Sociology Dictionary Nutrition
MY EX boyfriends.. heheKIM DONG-UK and JUNHO CHANG.. LOL=p