The Most Beautiful Girl In Da World Jus Turned 18! profile picture

The Most Beautiful Girl In Da World Jus Turned 18!

I am here for Friends

About Me

Basically Im Dat Nigga Not Really Arrogant But Believe Im Da Best N Evrything Ya Dig Shyt Im Cool People Jus Try Not 2 B On My Bad Side Its Gon B Ugly 4 U But Shyt i Don't Sho No Luv 2 Internet Gangstaz Get At Me 4Real Dawg Not Ova No Typin Shyt But Otha Den Dat Im 17 Years Old Gotta Lil Son Named Kyrell (A.K.A Lil Rell B.K.A GAngsta Boieeee) Ima Chill Nigga U No Goofy But A Deep Thought Type A Nigga SHyt My Homies I Swear Love Dese Niggaz On NO GAY SHYT!!!! My Chick At The End Cuz I Love Her 2 ShoutOut 2 Big Martin ( THE BIG HOMIE!!!!!!!U Not Melo No Mo Wut Tha Fuk Happen) CUZ (Dayshawn Been Down Since Day 1) Curtis (Man Jo Im Not Callin U Snoop Datz 4 Yo Bytches Well Jus Kanisha Now) Tim (We Been Kickin Hard Since 7th Grade My Nigga Iverson Gon Get Da Ring Next Year LOL) N Last But Not Least My Homie DRU (Truf B Told U Fukin Up a Lil Bit N Actin Like I Den Care Wen U Got Yo Ass Jumped But I Wudda Held u Down If I Was Dere Man Real Talk) Justyn (My Big Nigga Den Nu Yo Big Ass Since Kindergarden N Its Been Love Err Since My Nigga We Gon Ball Out Til We Fall Out I Hoop U Rhyme/I Push The Coupe/U ROll The Lamb Sometymes)Geno (Dis My Mans Jo A Straight Up N When I Say Straight Up I Mean Straight Up Good Nigga Jus Got His Mind N The Wrong Place Keep Doin Ya Thang Doh My Nigga) Christina (My Best Friend Y-Fe & Everything She Is Mrs.Perfect 4 Me I Love Her She Do Everything 4 A Nigga A Chick Suppose 2 N More u All I Think About The Shyt U Have 2 Deal n Neva Thought Twice Yo Love 4 Me Is Sumthin I Will Cherish 4 Lyfe Boo U Alwayz Gon B Important I'll Neva Let U Go Again I Can Lose Evry Battle i Fight But Witchu I Win I Love U Baby 4EVA N ALWAYS I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

Hoopin Chillin Y-Fe Kyrell Livin Money Shyt Sometimes I Rap From Tyme 2 Tyme Basically My Interests Is Gettin Me,Kyrell(My Son) Christina (Y-Fe)2 Paradise Man Straight Up Man N E Thing It Takes Rappin A Lyric Or Dribbling A Ball Startin A Business I Just Can't Fail Man I Do Wut i Do 4 Otha People They R Relyin On Me 2 B Sumthin Great 2 Make Da Life Easier

I'd like to meet:

My Uncle Terrell Nigga Died A Few Short Weeks B4 I Was Born R.I.P Unk Jay-Z Mike Jordan
Name: Rellie J Gipson
MOnSter BasKetBall sUrVey!!!! by bbllo0oo
whO iS yOuR faV. NBA pLaYer?: Kobe
wHo iS yoUr fAv. WNBA pLaYeR?: Diana Taurasi
wHo iS YouR faV. mAle CoLLeGe BasKetBall pLaYeR?: Derrick Rose
whO is yOur faV. fEmaLe CollEge BasKetbaLL plAyeR?: Candace Parker
whO is yoUr faV. mAle HigH sChOOL bAsKeTbaLL plAyeR?: Terrell Gipson
WHo is YoUr faV. fEmaLe HiGh sChOOL baSkeTbaLL plAyeR?: Nun
wHaT aRe YouR faV. tEaM cOlOrs?: The Navy Blue Nuggets Alt
wHaT shOes dO yOu RocK fOr BasKeTbaLL gaMes?: Mikes Or Nikes
wHat sOng maKes u hYpe dUrIng BasKetbaLL gaMes?: Don't Cross The Line Freeway
dO u thInK prAtiCes arE neCeSSary??: Makes Perfect
gaToraDe oR poWeraDe: Gatorade
LebRoN oR CarMeLo: Lebron
wAde oR IveRsOn: Wade
eAsT oR WesT: West
BeN oR sHaQ: Shaq
GaRneTT oR DunCaN: Duncan
Pat RiLey Or LaRRy BrOwN: Pat
ChaRleS BaRklEy Or PaTrIcK EwInG: Sir Charles
MaGiC JohNsOn oR LaRrY BirD: Larry Bird
IvErsOn's oR jOrDaN's: Jordan's
DuKe oR NorTh CaRoLinA: Carolina
tRaCy Or KoBe: Kobe
Old sChoOL oR NeW sChOOL: Old School
Dr. j oR M.j.: Mike
hEaDbaNd oR nO hEAdbaNd: No HeadBand
lOnG sOcKs oR sHorT sOckS: Long Socks
LsU Or TeXaS: Texas
LaKeRs oR cLiPPeRs: Lakers
DaLLaS or sAn AntOnIO: San Antonio
cLevELaNd oR DenVer: Cleveland
J.J. RedIcK oR AdAm MoRRisOn: Adam
MiaMi oR HoUsTon: Miami
UCoNN oR fLoRidA: Florida
wILt ChamBerlaiN oR KaRReM AbduL-JaBBer: Kareem
DetrOit oR NeW JerSey: Detriot
KanSas Or kEntUcKy: Kentucky
NacHos oR ChiLLi FriTos: Nachos
AcC Or BiG eaSt: ACC
LeSiLe oR SwOopEs: Swoopes
sEC Or BiG 12: SEC
wHats uR faV. nUmBer?: More Than 1 #23 Birthday #24 Kyrell Birthday #26 Y-FE Birthday #29 NAme A Good Playa Wit Dat Numba
wHats uR bAskeTbaLL niCknaMe?: Dynamyte (Full Of Explosive Moves)
wHat NBA teAm oR WNBA teAm wHo U waNt tO bE oN?: Warriors Or The Bulls
wHaT cOlleGe dO u wAnt tO plAy fOr?: Miami Hurricanes
dO u gEt sHoeS thAt maTcHEs yOur uNifoRm?: Not Really I Like The Most Comfy Kicks
HoW lOnG hAve U beEn plAyinG baSkeTbaLL?: 13 Years
CaN u DunK?: Hell Yea
CaN u sHooT?: The Burner Decent
CaN u DriBBle?: Handles Decent I Aint No PG
cAn U rEbouNd?: Like There Is No 2morrow
wHo iS yOur InSpiRatIon?: My Pops
WhAt plaYer aRe U mOsT liKe?: Lebron
hOw maNy sTate ChAmPiOnsHips dO u haVe?: Zelch
wHicH oLd sChOoL plaYer dO u plaY liKe?: Magic
DoeS uR teAm sUck?: Only When I Dont Play J/P
wHo dO u tHinK is thE grEateSt pLayEr tHat eVer plaYed in tHe NBA?: Michael Jordan
WhO dO u tHinK jumPs tHe hiGheSt iN tHe NBA?: J-Smoove
haVe u evEr beEn iNjUred?: Nuthin I Couldn't Play Thru
Aer U a GuaRd, fOrwaRd, oR CenTer?: Forward
dO u LoVe bAskEtbaLL?: Ima Marry Her
SuE BiRd or TaMikA CaTchIngs: Catchings
PicK anD rOll or GiVe aNd gO: Pick n Roll
dUnK oR lAyUp: 2 Points Either Way
pAss oR sHooT: Pass
NorTh caRoliNa or NorTh CaRoliNA sTaTE: NC State
cHriS PaUl oR sTevE NaSh: NAsh
tInY oR ZeKe: Zeke
bAroN dAvIs oR cHauNcEy biLLuPs: Billups
oRlaNdO Or HouSton: Houston
ViNcE cArter oR pAuL PieRcE: The Truth
sOnicS oR BuCks: Sonics
cOOkies Or mILk: Milk
tRicKy Or sMOothe: Smoothe
fIngErOLL Or SlAm JaM: Fingeroll
mId-rAnGe Or BeYoNd tHe ArC: Mid-Range
M.j. Or LeBrOn: MJ
eLtOn bRaNd Or AmaRe sToUdAmIrE: Elton
iVeRsOn oR nAsH: Nash
AnD 1 Or OLd sChOoL: Old School
SeiMonE AgUsTus or AlaNa BeArD: Beard
MaRyLanD Or BaYlOr: Terrapins
OfF tHe GlaSS oR aLL nEt: Off The Glass Takes More Talent
sHawN mAriOn oR TaYsHaUn pRinCe: Marion
BeN's fRo Or Dr.J's fRo: Dr.J
dUnK cOntEsT oR tHree-pOiNt cOntEst: Dunk Contest
pOweRadE Or waTer: Water
geOrgE MikeN oR yAo MinG: Yao Ming
HaRleM GlObeTrOtteRs or OaK HiLL AcaDeMy higH sChOoL: GlobeTrotters
UcLa or GeOrGia: Georgia
WiLkiNs oR cArTer: Wilkins
wHo is YouR fAv. mAle StrEEt bAll plAyeR?: Nun
wHo iS yOur FaV. fEmaLe StrEEtbAll pLayEr?: Nun
wHat iS yOur fAv. cOlleGe tEam?: Miami Hurricanes
wHat iS yOur fAV. NBA tEam?: LA Lakers
wHaT iS YouR faV. WNBA teAm?: Phoenix Mercury
wHo iS thE bEsT pOinT gUarD EVER!?: John Stockton
wHo iS thE bEsT sHooTiNg gUarD EVER!?: Michael Jordan
wHo iS thE bEsT sMaLL fOrwARd EVER!?: Larry Bird
wHo iS thE bEsT pOwEr fOrwArd EVER!?: Tim Duncan
wHo iS thE bEsT cEntEr EVER!?: Hakeem Olajuwon
Take this survey | Find surveys
Pimp My Profile name='type9' value='1'
Your Heritage: Nigga
The Shoes You Wore Today: Steve's & Mikes
Your Weakness: Y-Fe (Christina)
Your Fears: Fear It Self
Your Perfect Pizza: DR. PIZZA
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Graduate
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: FUK U
Thoughts First Waking Up: Kyrell,Christina Damn I Didn't Die
Your Best Physical Feature: I Guess My Height & Smile
Your Bedtime: When I Get Tired
Your Most Missed Memory: 7th Grade Last Tyme I Really Saw My Best Friends B4 My Old Skool Closed
Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
MacDonalds or Burger King: Burger King
Single or Group Dates: SINGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Fuck Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla: CHOCOLATE
Cappuccino or Coffee:
Do you Smoke: Naw Not No MO
Do you Swear: Hell Tha Fuck Naw
Do you Sing: Naw
Do you Shower Daily: Of Course Dat Shyt NAsty
Have you Been in Love: YES
Do you want to go to College: Yea But Dat SHyt Wont Happen Tho
Do you want to get Married: 2 Christina If Not I Don't Wanna Get Married
Do you belive in yourself: If I Don't Then Who Will
Do you get Motion Sickness: Nah
Do you think you are Attractive: Shyt I Have 2
Are you a Health Freak: Nah
Do you get along with your Parents: I Love Dem Niggaz But They B Blowin Me Sometymes
Do you like Thunderstorms: NO I Guess Me N PupPup Got Sumthin N Common
Do you play an Instrument: NO
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:&..39;
In the past month have you Smoked: Yea
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Yea
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Yea
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: Yea
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: Naw
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Naw
In the past month have you been on Stage: Naw
In the past month have you been Dumped: Yea Sure...................We Talkin About Me
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: NO
In the past month have you Stolen Anything: NO
Ever been Drunk: SMACKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ever been called a Tease: Nah
Ever been Beaten up: They CAught Me SLippin A Couple As A Shorty
Ever Shoplifted: A Couple Tymes
How do you want to Die: N My Sleep
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: The Perfect Husband 2 Y-Fe & Nba Superstar Or Successful Business Executive
What country would you most like to Visit: Jamaica
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color: DArk Brown
Favourite Hair Color: U No Wut I Like A Chick 2 Try Different Shyt Blonde Streaks Or Red Dye Perferably
Short or Long Hair: N Between
Height: Ova 5' But Preferrably About 5'7 5'8
Weight: 135-160
Best Clothing Style: Baby Phat
Number of Drugs I have taken: One
Number of CDs I own: A Bunch a Dem Bytches
Number of Piercings: None
Number of Tattoos: None But Real Soon
Number of things in my Past I Regret: UNO SOrry Kyrell J/P None All Mistakes Prepare For The Future



Jay-Z, The Game, Kanye West, Some Old 50 Cent, Young Gunz, Lil Wayne, 2Pac, Notorious B.I.G, State Prop Chain Gang, Dipset ByrdGang, Luda, T.I, Young Jeezy, Cassidy, GhostFAce Killah, Nas, Saigon, Jae Millz, And No Other Than Me (Rocafella Dayz) BAsically N E Thing Not Hurricane Chris DJ UNK Franchize Boyz Or N E More Of Dat Ol 1 Hit WOnda Bullshyt Dat Ain't Worth Shyt


ScarFace,Paid In Full,The Wood,State Property 1 & 2,Friday, Dead Silence, Baby Boy,Boyz N Da Hood,ATL Pulp Fiction, Stop Snitchin Stop Lyin DVD, Date Movie, American Pie N The List Goes On


The Simpsons,ESPN,Family Guy,Seinfeld,Hell Date,BET,

Get Your Sexy Name


Sista Souljah Had Some Decent Shyt


My Pops Michael Jordan Jay-Z People Who Pretty Much R Sucessful Around The World 4 The Simple Things

My Blog

Dear Rell

Dear Rell,               Watz good boy.... apparently nothin much right i c u hittin struggles as of late boy deciding which college to ...
Posted by The Most Beautiful Girl In Da World Jus Turned 18! on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 05:57:00 PST


I've never in my 17 years of living ever felt so pathetic now i feel like tha worse nigga on my planet but itz cool man everything is goin wrong wit so little tyme my wife is finna b gon n tha next 5 ...
Posted by The Most Beautiful Girl In Da World Jus Turned 18! on Sat, 19 Apr 2008 02:15:00 PST


My Whole Life I'Ve Been Chasin PerfectionNo Matter What I Did Whether It Was Havin Da Best Lookin/Actin GirlfriendOr..............Being The Best Ball PlayerHavin Da Most Decent ClothesOr Wuteva Tha Ca...
Posted by The Most Beautiful Girl In Da World Jus Turned 18! on Sun, 24 Feb 2008 11:05:00 PST

Am I Bad Boyfriend/Husband & Father ?

U No Every Once N A While I C Myself N 10 Years 2 or 3 more kids a loving beautiful wife (who would always b out planning events lol) an basially have a decent life have a decent lil job dat worked me...
Posted by The Most Beautiful Girl In Da World Jus Turned 18! on Fri, 28 Dec 2007 11:13:00 PST

All I Want 4 Christmas

All I Want For Christmas Is 4 My Niggaz 2 Stay My Manz Kyrell Love My Parents Christina 2 Stay My 1 Fan Homies get no better Me n CHristina 4Eva Kyrell Die Neva My Homies 2 Stay Down Kyrell Neva Frown...
Posted by The Most Beautiful Girl In Da World Jus Turned 18! on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 05:51:00 PST

Tha Boi Iz Serious

Who Me I Got Hot Flow/Sumthin Evry Nigga No/ Call Me Cocaine Rell/U No Im Bout 2 Blow/Ima D-Generate/ 2 Words Suck It/My Mans Melo Alwayz Bout His Nuggets/Im Not A Clown/Dont Take Me 4 A Joke/Othawize...
Posted by The Most Beautiful Girl In Da World Jus Turned 18! on Mon, 10 Dec 2007 06:39:00 PST

Rellie J Gipson

My Name Rellie Gip/I Am Dat Shyt/Niggaz Think I Work Ata Cell Phone Joint/Carry Plenty Clips/Think I Own Nu York/Got Plenty Of Knicks/I Hate Eatin Cereal/I Aint Got Tyme 4 Trix/Hip-Hop I Bleed/Dat Shy...
Posted by The Most Beautiful Girl In Da World Jus Turned 18! on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 07:28:00 PST

Jus Felt Like Spittin

U kno me itz the winter tyme/the tyme of the year when i really grind/Icy on the ground but so is my wrist/A Buncha niggaz n the chi wish they had it like this/If u plan is 2 stop my shyne i suggest u...
Posted by The Most Beautiful Girl In Da World Jus Turned 18! on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 05:48:00 PST

Worse Than Fuked Up

Hello world its me again n i gotta tell yall niggaz jo i swear everything that i ever could've asked 4 n lyfe has came n went bad man i would go on & on about my b.m causing me problemz but see th...
Posted by The Most Beautiful Girl In Da World Jus Turned 18! on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 02:30:00 PST

Shyt Is Kinda Fucked Up

For the 1st tyme n my lyfe im faced witta hard ship beyond my ability to get myself  out of c i got this 1 problem i love basketball 2 death i thought that going to st.joseph high school woulda m...
Posted by The Most Beautiful Girl In Da World Jus Turned 18! on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 03:12:00 PST