Hello, I'm Fred Flintstone. I live in Bedrock. I have a wife named Wilma and one daughter, Pebbles. I also have a dogasaurus named Dino. My best friend is my neighbor Barney Rubble and his wife, Betty, and son, Bamm-Bamm. I'm also cool with the Great Gazoo, who was exiled from his home planet of Zetox for creating a device that could destroy the universe. As a punishent, he was stranded on the prehistoric planet of Earth, where he is now a servant to Barney and me. I work for Mr. Slate at "Slate Rock and Gravel". I love to go bowling, and I'm pretty good at it. I'm so good that my bowling buddies call me "twinkle Toes". Well, that's about it. We're just your modern stone-age family, I guess.This profile was edited with MySpace Profile EditorJoin my Group!!!http://groups.myspace.com/Flintstone