You can learn more about C. Estes Fowler at his official website: www.cestesfowler.comMake sure you visit his personal blog: chuck.calpernia.netCharles Estes Fowler, III was born on November 6, 1985, in Las Junta, Colorado, to Charles Estes Fowler, Jr., and Jean Marie Fowler. His parents were the senior pastors of the First Assembly of God Church in Las Animas, Colorado. At the age of three, his family relocated to Colorado Springs, Colorado.In Colorado Springs, he spent a great deal of time with his extended family: his grandparents, his uncles and aunts, and his eleven cousins. Together they invented many “other worlds,†and played many make-believe games. These games inspired Charles’ active imagination and have formed a basis for much of his writing.In 2004 he graduated from high school at Evangelical Christian Academy. After graduating from high school, he began working in the media department at a church in Colorado Springs, Colorado. There he gained three years of experience editing video, graphic design, directing, and administrating a staff of three and a pool of about twenty-five volunteers.Now, at the age of twenty-one, he is focusing on accomplishing his goals of becoming a published author, a film/television producer, and a pioneer in new media technology. He lives in Colorado Springs, Colorado, where he spends time with his parents, a miniature greyhound named Faith, and a slew of unusual relatives and friends.He is preparing to go to Oral Roberts University in the spring 2008 semester to complete his college education, double-majoring in Drama/Film/Television Performance and Literary Writing.The greatest influence in Charles’ life has been his faith, but he is vehemently opposed to religion. “I was taught from a young age that Christianity is about having a relationship with Jesus,†he says. “Religion takes faith, something that’s pure and valuable, and perverts it so that its focus becomes human effort. Religion puts roadblocks between God and man; Jesus bridged the gap.†For C. Estes Fowler, being an author and a filmmaker is more than a vocation—it is a calling.