ErotiChris. [Chase The Light] profile picture

ErotiChris. [Chase The Light]

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm an '88 baby, born December 13th in Oshawa, Ontario. I grew up in Kingston, Ontario and recently moved outside of the city after living there for 16 years of my life. Small towns aren't my thing, as I am a rather loud & outgoing person. My favourite colour is orange. I have two tattoos; one on my inner forearm that says in script 'Never Give Up' and a cross with the crown of thorns on my right shoulder. I stay up all night and sleep during the day. Nightlife is a big part of me right now as I am 19 years young. I like to drink and hang with my close buddies but I am always looking forward to meeting new people, so add me =)
Music is a big part of my life; apart of my everyday life really. I am a musician and I play in a pop/rock band called 'Chase The Light'. I play bass in this band but on the side I also like to play guitar and drums for fun. Music is my passion because for every emotion, every situation someone is going through, there is always a song that you can relate to. I want to travel the world with my band, play concerts in every country and when I do this, I will have completed my life goal =D

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet a girl, fan or not a fan of my music. But a girl that is caring, loving, trustworthy and supportive of my choices in life. Someone that likes me for me, someone that will give me what I give them.

I would like to meet the man who made me pick up a bass guitar; Mark Hoppus. With the work he has done over the past 14-16 years with blink-182/+44/producing, he has been a HUGE inspiration to me. His stage presence is phenominal! And I would like to meet any band that has changed my life and kept me going strong each and everyday

Hacked! Thanks to me. Arielle. Chris Maurice's Myspace is fkn rad iloveyou. i am happy to help. this was fun. (:

My Blog

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