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Lenny & Squiggy Fans

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About Me

I'm not David L. Lander or Michael McKean, I'm a Cindy, a fan. Welcome to all fans of Lenny & Squiggy.
I love zany humor from Peter Sellers to John Cleese to Father Ted...but Lenny & Squiggy may well be my very favorites!
For those outside of the US...in the 1970s, there was a TV Show called "Happy Days," a retro-look into life in the 1950s in America. Happy Days then spun off a series called "Laverne & Shirley," about two single girls sharing an apartment in Milwaukee while working in Shotz Brewery. The success of the spinoff eclipsed the success of it's predecessor, though both were very well received and continue in reruns on local TV stations and premium channels such as TVLand and Nick at Nite.
My favorite moments on Laverne and Shirley involve their neighbors Leonard Kosnowski and Andrew Squigman (Lenny & Squiggy), a couple of upstairs roommates who usually don't even knock when they appear at the girls' door. The boys are a bit lacking in dress, diction and social manners but are convinced they are the cat's pajamas. The two even moved to Los Angeles, following Laverne & Shirley in the latter seasons of the show.
My single favorite episode may well be "The Dating Game," Episode Six, Season Six, where Len & Squig turned up on the 1960s game show The Dating Game.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Michael McKean and David L.Lander.
Click Here To Read Wikipedia's Entry on David Lander.

Click Here To Read Wikipedia's Entry on Michael McKean.

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A few years back, I learned a day too late, that one of my heroes, David L. Lander had been in Oklahoma City, not far from me and lecturing at a Neuroscience institute. I missed it. Can you believe it? I'd even been hanging around the same building days before when my Mom had surgery! The "Squiggy" actor, as many of you know, has MS and often speaks to groups regarding his challenges and gains since his initial diagnosis, and that's what he was doing in OKC. David has also scouted for more than one Major League baseball team and wrote his memoir, "Fall Down Laughing," in recent years. I believe he currently scouts for the Mariners. I'd love to meet David and Michael. The fellas coined their duo act in college, called "Lenny and Antony," at the time, which became Lenny and Squiggy on the sitcom Laverne & Shirley. David has appeared on a number of other TV Shows and in movies (you always recognize that voice)including his portrayal as the announcer in the Penny Marshall directed war-time women's professional baseball film, "A League of Their Own." Michael, of course, co-starred in "This is Spinal Tap," a movie which satirized touring British rock acts in the 1980s and has become a cult classic rivaling all others. "Spinal Tap" the band, including Michael, even appeared on Live Aid in 1985. Michael was also on SNL for a while and has enjoyed critical success on Broadway, and recently in "The Homecoming." Both David and Michael were in "Used Cars" with Kurt Russell in around 1980, which is also something of a cult favorite.

Hello Goodbye Edited by Santaburger57 on YouTube

CLICK "PICTURES" TO SEE MORE VIDEO CAPTURES OF LEN & SQUIG ON THE DATING GAME. The Dating Game photos herein are from Lone Wolfette's Lenny & Squiggy site: http://lennysquiggy.tvheaven.com/

Visit David Lander's official site: http://www.davidlander.com and Spinal Tap's Official Fan Site: http://www.spinaltapfan.com/

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My Blog

We Will, We Will Barack You!

The subject line is a quote from Brian May's recent Soapbox post on www.brianmay.com.  (I'm a big fan of Queen, in addition to Lenny & Squiggy and others).  I couldn't agree more be...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Jun 2008 16:14:00 GMT