weLL..i'm 19 this yr...currently studyin in Ngee aNn poLy...in the Quality manaGement anD engineeRin dePt...basically....i'm sOmeoNe wHo geTs aLoNg weLL wiF aNyoNe aS LonG as u dOn't step on mY toEs..hEhez..i'M fuN to chat aNd be with(got Losta jOkeS)...can aSk my beSt bUddiEs... haha..wiLL acc thoSe whO waNa gO chiOng wiThoUt muCh hesitatioN(as Long as i have nOthing IMPT the nExt dae)...hEhez...hMm...sOmeoNe hU wiLL LenD u my LisTeniNg eaR whEneVer u gOt pRob(my eaRs haVe hEarD muCh!)..haha...i can aLso bE uR Kai XiNg gUo!~! haha...=PEverydae we awaken with another chance at life...
Sometimes we forget how lucky we are...
and we often forget to appreciate the little things around us, dat means so much....
Here's a poem i wish to share with all of u........Too often we don't realize what we have until it is gone....
Too aften we wait too late to say "i'm Sorry..i was wrong..."
Sometimes it seems we hurt the ones we hold dearest to our hearts...
And we allow foolish things and thoughts to tear our lives apart...Far too many times we let unimportant things into our minds...
And then it's usually too late to see what made us blind...So be sure that youlet people know how much they mean to u...
Take that time to say the words before your time is through...
Be sure that u appreciate everything dat u've got!wHat gOes arOund comEs aRounD.....................i LovE mySeLf!! ^.^
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
EveryoNe! haha..weLL i waNa mEet anyone dat wants to meet me(daTz u hU'z reaDinG tHiS! yES YOU!dun act bLur..hEhezZ..)haha...hOpe to meet mY loNg Lost friends ard too....haha...AND...my dReam gUy or Bf!! haha~
My Blog
http://www.swit-choco.blogspot.com Posted by on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 00:00:00 GMT