The idea of a teen television show, similar to the 1990’s “Teen Summitâ€, was birthed in the minds of Soul Sanctuary Inc.’s Stephanie Renee and Erica “RhapsodE†(last name) in 2007. This TV Show would feature teenagers from the Philadelphia area voicing their opinions on topics ranging from the violence in the streets and music and its influence, to the political scene in Philadelphia and the homophobia in the African American community. Comcast Cable Company© agreed to host this new show, which will air on the local access channel in Philadelphia and the 5 surrounding districts, Monday thru Sunday at 3:30 PM.
To host this new show, Stephanie and Erica recruited six teenagers, ages 17-19, who were outspoken, energetic, and concerned with the issues in the Philadelphia community. These teens would do all the research, planning, writing, and organizing required to make each show a success.
The teens called their show Gen.Is.Us: Revitalized Teen Talk, because, “The next Generation is Us, and we’re the new voice of the young people.â€
For Mini Bios of the Teen Hosts, please see the section titled "General".
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