Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr. Like them or not, The Beatles did indeed change the world and led more change than any contemporary world leader did or could in 8 years. The Beatles happened to do it from 1962 to 1970. You could even shorten that period from 1964 to 1970 since they didn't have any impact on the US before 1964.I would also like to meet Eric Clapton. Not only because he's an amazing musician but because he's been through a lot and he keeps on going. He's also found a way to give back to the world. He's a true survior and I could probably learn a lot about life from him should I get past being starstruck and start asking him good questions instead of shallow, stupid ones.Additionally, I would like to meet anyone who would care to meet me. At first blush, I am the prototypical "nice guy", which I am sure some people would find less than fascinating, but then my sense of humor kicks in. My sense of humor is on display nearly 24/7 and that ranges from manic Robin Williams type of schtick to wicked, insightful and quick quips of few words. I am often told I should do stand up comedy, a comment which I appreciate and take as a compliment.