The Flame |
Her voice is a distant echo in the darkA friend who's memory still burns in my heartThe flames of those memories will never dieBurning and tearing through me until I cryI hope the same flame doesn't r... Posted by on Mon, 06 Oct 2008 22:29:00 GMT |
A Receipt on Love |
With every breathe she takes
Another heart she breaks,
But she left me surprised,
She mad me the bad guy
I saw through her deceit
And I looked past the tears
Her love was a receipt
I kept aroun... Posted by on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 15:09:00 GMT |
For those who ignore me so blatantly |
I stole away into the night
Just to get a chance to talk
I did this all, without a fright
That I would ever get caught
But eventually, I did
I thought you'd look for me here
But I... Posted by on Thu, 17 Jul 2008 17:00:00 GMT |
Dreaming |
Written for those who've been hurt...
And don't be like OMG you cussed???
If pink floyd can cuss, so can I =P
Does she really love me?
Or am I just dreaming?
I can tell when she lies
I s... Posted by on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 02:55:00 GMT |
The Dove |
Out of boredom...I wrote
It has a deeper don't love pigeons!!!
Outside, a white dove begins her smooth coo
And she, the dove, reminded me of you
So different,... Posted by on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 19:57:00 GMT |
I Found What I Lost |
I was sitting, tired and waiting
Trying, dying to think of a rhyme
When it hit me, and almost bit me
There wasn't a word to describe her
Looked high and low, though it never showed
Frantic... Posted by on Tue, 24 Jun 2008 17:54:00 GMT |
A Note |
Goodbye, Goodbye
Please, Please don't cry
All I could ever give
Isn't worth the knife
Goodbye, Goodbye
Please, Please don't cry
If we were meant to live
Would we ever die? Posted by on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 18:48:00 GMT |
Im in love with a poem |
If you've been wondering
Who receives my loving
Without her, I feel alone
I'm in love with a poem
Mom doesn't think she's right
And dad simply says no
But my poem, she is the light
Th... Posted by on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 18:45:00 GMT |
Someday And Somehow Heavenll Arrive |
Just something I wrote because I was bored and I was thinking of a close friend and how many mistakes I've made I have two eyesbut I am blindFor I could not see her true beauty My love for h... Posted by on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 14:49:00 GMT |
What’s The Point |
We are victims of own illusions, we let them blind us because we don't want to see the truth. Everything around us isn't a work of something greater, something to look forward to, it's simply there. A... Posted by on Mon, 20 Aug 2007 19:37:00 GMT |