alright alright hold your horses, let me think a second... ok i just turned 25 yurp feeling kinda old.i am a cable splicer for trawick in alabama, get to work on telephone crap all day so exciting helping all of you peeps being able to chat on them phones,lol. na but hmm i love cars mainly mine i have a 94 cobra that just waxed a 04 saleen with a supercharger today, and i just bought 1989 5.0 that is just as sweet.i just went and picked up my baby yester day, he was born dec 05,06 his name is hurley, yes he is a blue pit.i love my family, and all my friends and wish them all the luck in the world cause i wouldnt be here if i hadnt had them arround, so thanks youll...i like tattoos, i do them on the side,weight lifting is like kellogs "great".
i think im a good person to hang out with,kinda shy at first and not really talkative so dont take it as im being stuck up, i just dont know you. EVER HEAR DONT JUDGE A BOOK BY ITS COVER?well read a few pages first...ok i think that good enough so just drop a few lines if you like what you just read, later pimps up hoes down................
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