Music and good times. Relaxation. Sleep. Thick hearty dark beer and green fresh tasty nugs. My beautiful daughter.
Mark Emery (free). Jesus. Louis Armstrong. Wayne Coyne. Tim Alexander. Quest Love.
Absolutely EVERYTHING. I can find something beautiful in any music I hear.
Kung-Fu flicks, Gangster movies, Horror films (yes, even the cheesy ones) Porno... Hmmm.... But I still say my all time favorite movie is The Jungle Book.
Anything that is animated. I'm a huge fan of escaping reality and cartoons really do the trick.
Many too many to list.
Jacquellyn Starr Baker. Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. Alucard. Ralph Starr. Mark Emery. Homer Simpson. Henry Miller. My beautiful and talented little sister Jessica. 'Nny. Jack Baker