I live in a small town in Pa. I am originally a Jersey Girl.I'm still one at heart.I am married to a wonderful man.I can still say this after twenty years.I have three sons & a grandson( all boys).Yes, I'm a grandmother and loving it.He's sooo precious.
I am a songwriter for country music and a member of ASCAP & NSAI.I mainly write lyrics but have created some melodies for some of my lyrics. I am having so much fun with writing. I've met so many wonderful people. I'm trying to get a few songs published. This has been a incredible journey. One thing I know... FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS.....you'll never know unless you try.
I love shoes especially flipflops. I believe that closed in shoes & turtle necks should be outlawed. I wear flipflops until it snows & they're back on as soon as the snow melts.
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