Young Ni88a ( SCot-Fre) Out of SaKisTan, KaliFornia born and raised ya diig. I'm a young, hansom, black Entreprenuer with extraordinary talent. It was God givin. I was blessed with the ability to make music and I do it well. About 18, I was into it heavy and over the years I made good progress from features on The Mob Figaz "17708" album to "The Firestartz" album which we sold to the CEO of Black Market Cedric Singleton in 2005 and made some profitable money. Now I'm aimin for the bigger and better thangz of lyfe and this time I won't miss. I'm hookin up with the right niggas and breakin the right b******,F*** haters wit a AIDS DiCk it's that Sick Ya Diig. I ain't got time for Punk rocks, Oky Dokes, SucKas, Played Out Gangstaz or Colorful Squares. I'm on here to meet real N*****, Real B******, and promote my music the best way I can so Sac and Myspace can hear what real talent is supposed to sound like......not that boom, boom, clack, clack,Circus clown wack shyt theze Punk Rocks are doin deze dayz and get rid of them tight ass jeans, stop shoppin for B****** clothes and grow some nutZ.
But anyways WelComE To MY PaGe..THe Home Of SCoT-Fre where It's Sucka FRee....AnD OH My AliENs Will Be Comin To Visit YouR World SooN
And Were Takin OVer.So kEEp Yo Head To The Sky.2012.
My Interests
Member Since: 10/08/2007
Band Website:
Influences: ..
Sounds Like: MONEY!!!!
Record Label: SaKiStaN EnTerTaiNMenT
Type of Label: Unsigned
My Blog
New Song
Check out my new song "I Got That" its HOT!!! I appreciate the support.I'm a new local artist in Sacramento looking for a oppurtunityto share my music with the world..So show some supportand experien... Posted by on Sat, 18 Jul 2009 15:53:00 GMT