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Hometown Heroes

About Me

Hometown Heroes Compilation Series
Put your Hometown's Music Scene on the Map!
Arm The Pit is pleased to announce the creation of a series of compilation CDs of original music called Hometown Heroes. The goal is to showcase local music. In addition all cover art is from a local artist. Plus what makes each Hometown Heroes comp special is that a local cause benefits from the sale of each cd. The comps will sell for $5.
Submissions are open to all genres of music, including: Punk, Metal, Rock, Alternative, Funk Rock, Folk Rock, Indie Rock - you get the drift. There are 20 slots available on each comp. Whether your a new or an established band this is your chance to be seen and heard.
Bands, these are no pay to play comps. All we ask from you is one kickass song. When the comp comes out we'll hook you up with a copy.
Artists/Would Be Artists, you're invite to create cover art for your Hometown Heroes comp.
Not in a band, how about working with Arm The Pit and put out a Hometown Heroes comp for your hometown.
Arm The Pit needs your help though to make the Hometown Heroes comps a success in promoting local music and supporting some great causes. Let's take back the music.
We've taking back the music in these hometowns. Do you see yours?
Birmingham, AL, San Francisco, CA, Santa Cruz, CA, Denver, CO, Aalborg, Denmark, Constance, Germany, Puna, HI, Jakarta, Indonesia, Alexandria, LA, Muskegon, MI, Joplin, MO, Kansas City, MO, Lincoln, NE, Omaha, NE, Highland, NY, Rochester, NY, Mechanicsburg,PA, Knoxville, TN, Austin, TX, El Paso, TX, Leesburg, TX, Sherman, TX
for all the details on how you can help take back the music.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/10/2007
Band Website: http://hometownheroes.armthepit.com
Band Members:
Support your scene. Become a producer of your Hometown Heroes. to fill out a Producer Agreement.

Hometown Heroes
San Francisco, CA
Santa Cruz, CA

Contstance, Germany
Puna, HI
Alexandria, LA

Muskegon, MI
Recycled Rockstars Ind
Kansas City, MO
Lincoln, NE

Highland, NY
Rochester, NY

Little Jacque
Knoxville, TN
Austin, TX

El Paso, TX
Leesburg, TX
Influences: http://www.byofl.org
Don't let a good thing goto waste.

Arm The Pit {Website}
Arm The Pit {MySpace}
Tone-Arm Records {MySpace}
Arm The Pit {El Paso, Texas}
Need audio mastering done on your next release?
Affordable audio mastering for studio and live recordings. We'll digitally remaster your songs with radio ready sound quality. All formats are accepted however we encourage you to send us WAV files of your music on a CDR along with a a track listing of your songs and contact information. We specialize in all genres of music. We will e-mail you MP3 samples of the finished products for approval before we send you the master disc. Your satisfaction is guaranteed or you owe us nothing. We offer a 10 song package deal for $100.00. In most cases we can turn around your first 5 songs within 24 hours and your first 10 songs within 48 hours.

Raygun Sounds
c/o Stevie Nowinsky
1801 CR 220
Florence, Tx. 7652

[email protected]

Record Label: Tone-Arm Records

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