At this point in my life I'm jUz tryin to do what I needZ to do..I aint perfect and all but I have FAiTH! I have FAITH that errythang goin' be aight. I know if I strive to be a better LOVE GOD and love his people that aLL iZ gOiN Be O.K. I know their is a whole lot more to dOiN iT and a whole lot more I need to learn..I also have learned to LET GO AND LET GOD!! I truLy Believe that their is a reason for errythang..Erryone comes in to ur life for a reason, season or a lifetime..ErrythangZ part of da bigger which I hope & pray will help me to fufill my purpose in this life..My DESTiNy!! I'm aLL bOut' mah FaMiLy!! HANDOiN Mah FaMz 1St aNd aNytHaNg dAt koMez OuR Way..DeN iT wOuLd Be Mah BABy OSi..Or I shouLd sAy along with mah baby OSi kOz he'Z already part Of mah famiLy since he is mah otha half and Of kOuRse his famiLy...deN would be HANDOiN skoo..tryna get mah degree sometime dis century..LMAOOOOO..All G Then of kourse their is work..I'm a SKiLLZ TRAiNER, workin with AUTiSTiC kidZ and also a Youth and FamiLy Services Worker.. have been dea IV 5 yearz too long..but itZ a'ight kOz i LOVE da kidZ and it is much mo' fufilling to be helping otherZ..eSp. mah kidZ..shoo- I was once one of them kidZ runnin loose like a chicken w/ no last but neva da least would be mah gyrlZ and mah UcEz!! Whetha it be havin a few w/ dem, BicKiN BacK BeiN bOo!! LoL..(das IV mah O'syde RyDahZ)..kala ula se u know I got much LOVE IV all kine and so off already but chea..or weo be up in da KLUB gettin KRUNK wid it..At a KaraOke..beach bar b q'n w/ da famZ or whoevaZ..Main thang yah gotta know is i HANDO mineZ and I'm all bout da ALOFA ~LOVE~ Whetha u know me, herd bout meeh or whatevaZ..don't judge me until u've walked a mile in mah das righ' mah sandalz..I believe that life is too short for all this he said and she said and I'm shua erryone's got bigger issues to HANDO naw mean!! Forgive but neva forget..last but not least it really aint bout you or him or her ..ItZ about the ALMiGHTy one! So whateva u do when u do what u do..Remembah dat..I aint perfect who is right? But I know Imma be a'ight kOz da higher power's got mah back and can see my FATU *HeArT* I'm jUz a SuGa whO LoVeZ II keeP iT drAma frEe..In To differeNT thangZ aND meetIn neW peOpLez..JuZ gOtStAh KeeP iT rEO!! ~ SteP iN da NaMe oF LoVe ~....a Way Of LiViNg nOt OnLy a sOng...
maH gRanDpA TuiVa FAuaLo (R.I.P.)..MaH graNdmOtheR SieNi FauaLo aNd LusI fUti agAin wHO aRe bOth in HeaVeN..MaH brOther Bob whO are iN samOa..aNd ma NePheW's eDdie aNd PhiL and neicEy EveLyn.. Mah friend and syster Claudia Taulau (R.I.P.) and last but never least My HEAVENLy FATHER!
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Mah BABy BrOtHa TiNO
Mah brOtHa PuN..' DaWg!
Mah Systah IV Life LuSi!
Mah baby sys IV Life SUNSHiNE!!
Mah Brotha LENGz!
Mah SyStah and kOuSiN Amanda!
My SyStER LyNNiE!!
My gyrl and sys from O'syde LyZA!
Mah BrOtHa aNd kOuSiN MASi!
Mah BrOtHa aNd kOuSiN MiKE!!
Mah Systah and kOusiN MALiA!
Mah systah and lil. kOuSiN ANGA!!
Mah systah and kOuSiN LuSi!!
Mah sys in law TiaNa!!
Mah sys in law Ailafo!!
Mah sys in law Jessica!!
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I LoVe aLL kinDz of Music..but mainLy I LOVE mah slOw jamZ..OldieZ, R&B aNd etC.. LoVe mah SaMoan jamZ, LokaL jamZ, Rap aNd BooTy Music..... -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Brian McKnight - Love Of My Life -- Video code provided by KEKAI BOY
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