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I am here for Friends

About Me

My name is Joshua White. Also known as Josh, Oshwa, Jay Dubbya, and White. I have blue eyes, brown hair and am about 6'3" tall. I love to hang out with my friends, we don't have to actually be doing anything I just like to spend time with them. I also like to play videogames and one day I hope to be making them for a living. I'm fairly good with computers and have taken several programming classes. I like to go on mission trips with my youth group, they are always so much fun and we get to help people. I have no clue what else to write so that is all... for now at least.

My Interests

Friends, Family, videogames, etc.


AC/DC, Billy Joel, Foreigner, Journey, Offspring, and much more


Wedding Crashers, James Bond, Batman, Mainly Action, Comedy, or Horror. Can stand the ocasional "chick flick" (but only if watching with a female, NOT 5 other guys)


Mythbusters, LOST, Heroes


James Bond, Harry Potter, Science fiction.


Alex, My friends, Jesus... and Batman.

My Blog


I just feel like ranting for a bit. Lately I've been feeling like the people I thought were the closest to me just don't have the time for me that they used to. Always hanging out with other people o...
Posted by Oshwa on Mon, 15 May 2006 03:12:00 PST