mmm where do I begin...I like drinking the milk after eating Frosted Flakes...I like using the ... all the time, flavor blasted Goldfish, cell phones, water, my own car, clothes, shoes, organizing, socializing, gummy worms, cherry diet pepsi, working out, going for walks, cuddling, laying in the sun, talking to randoms on the bus, traveling, roller blading, softball, soccer, sex and the city, instant message, being away from home, going where no man has gone before, scrapbooking, listening, observing people, partying, getting all dressed up, notetaking, event planning, and finally but not all inclusive I like to booty dance :) .com/watch?v=Zh2J2Dd2QR4
Rap, R & B, country, christian, alternative...yeah I like it all
I am an 80's baby...I like Breakfast Club, 16 Candles, Pretty in Pink...oh I like dancing movies too. Save the last Dance, Center Stage, Foot loose...Pretty Woman. There are just so many good movies out there who wants to write them all... I mean come on.
TV for me is background to real life...although I do find myself watching a lot of it to escape from real life. When I do, it's mostly MTV or one of those stupid girly shows. I like Sex and the City, the L Word and so on.
People who despite everything can still see the beauty in the world and reach out to people who cannot. My sisters-they are two of the most beautiful people I know and even though they were mean to me as a child I love them with all that I have! Finally my Grandmother-this woman has been the family glue for years. She thinks nothing of the Sunday dinners, but for years this is what has kept our family strong.