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~~~My life is sometimes...hectic..but also enjoyable and keeps getting better day by day. My life is moving in Great DIRECTION. I was finally baptised in December of 2007 something I always longed for and I did MYSELF and my MOTIVATION but with the help of God. I have been through alot in my life that has molded me into who I am today!! Some know my past and some don't and the word to describe myself would be UNSTOPABLE!!! I am probably one of the most motivated people you could meet with my history and I am very proud of myself at how far I've come. I know life throws us all rocks and we try and duck...but this is life...and we have to face what's layed in front of us because there is a reason for everything good/bad....and thankfully I'm finding mine now ;-) I work very hard for what i need and want and DO NOT depend on a single soul to holp me out..nobody's dependable as you are to yourself. I Am A vErY StRonG PeRsoN aNd CaN hAnDlE AnYtHiNg LiFe ThRowS My WaY!! BeCaUsE Of ThAt SoMe PeopLe MaY ThInK I'm ToO SeRiOuS AbOut ThInGs...I dOn't BeCaUse YoUr FuTuRe iS OnLy WhAt YoU MakE oF iT.....YoU FigHt For WhAt YoU WaNt AnD InDeeD YOu WiLL ReCIevE!!!!! So i work hard now..because when it's my time to go..I want something to look back on and smile with gratitude that I lived that life I wanted to live in THE END!!!! LIFE's what you make of it....if you have DREAMS GO FOR THEM even if it's gonna be a struggle to get there....and if you have HURT/ANGER LET IT's too short to hold onto the SMALL STUFF!!!
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~~~I have the MOST INCREDIBLE boyfriend ever...he's just the frosting on my cake and has made me soooo HAPPY!!! I HaVe 2 CaTs MaLibU AnD SAlEm(LoVe-Em :)they are my babies and I sometimes(well most of the time) refer to them as my boys/children cuz they kinda are like that. I LoVe To Go OuT WiTh ThE GiRlS AnD Go DaNCiNG, LoVe To WAtCh the Buckeyes and Brownies play--even if we lose(LOL), MoViEs 4 SuRe, oH, AnD I lOvE To BaKe AnD CoOk, GoInG tO CoNcErTs, I aM VeRy LoVeAblE, CaRinG and CoMpaSsIoNaTe, aNd I aM tHe PeRsOn U CaN cOmE tO 4 SuPpOrT.... AnYtHiNg CaN AlMoSt PuT a SmIlE oN mY FaCe....i JuSt LoVe tO hAve FuN...aNd WaNt tO eXpErIeNcE aS MuCh aS i CaN iN mY liFe!!!!~~~ I alSo haVE a BiG hEaRt (So DoN't TaKe AdvAntAgE oF ThaT)....bUt AlsO A BiTcH If I aM sCrEwEd OveR. I HaTe LiArS, ChEaTeRs, JeAlOuSy, peoPlE who dOn'T VaLuE OtHeR PeOpLe's TiME...(I cAn Be VEry ImPaTiEnt)..MoSt Of AlL i HATE fAkEs..if you don't LiKe Me Or HaVe SoMeThInG To Say SAY IT TO MY FACE...I CaN DiSh iT BaCk JuSt as BAD if NoT HARDER AnD i HATE LaZi PeOpLe Get off yOUR ASSES and Do sOmEtHinG PrODUctiVe In YoUr LiFE!!!!! (OK, on that note LOL)..... AnD By ThE WaY If U HaVeN't NoTiCeD I LoVe QoUTes and MUSIC!!!!!When you receive Christ, God's work in you has just begun. The road you travel may be a rocky one, but God can smooth the way. So trust Him now and don't look back. For narrow is the road that leads you to the greatest home of all.I am not where I need to be, but thank God I am not where I used to be.
What You Are Is God's Gift to You . . . What You Make of Yourself Is Your Gift Back to God.
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