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About Me

~~~My name is Sabrina and I am 24. I am a Dental Assistant and have been in dentistry for 6 yrs and loveee it.
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~~~My life is sometimes...hectic..but also enjoyable and keeps getting better day by day. My life is moving in Great DIRECTION. I was finally baptised in December of 2007 something I always longed for and I did it...by MYSELF and my MOTIVATION but with the help of God. I have been through alot in my life that has molded me into who I am today!! Some know my past and some don't and the word to describe myself would be UNSTOPABLE!!! I am probably one of the most motivated people you could meet with my history and I am very proud of myself at how far I've come. I know life throws us all rocks and we try and duck...but this is life...and we have to face what's layed in front of us because there is a reason for everything good/bad....and thankfully I'm finding mine now ;-) I work very hard for what i need and want and DO NOT depend on a single soul to holp me out..nobody's dependable as you are to yourself. I Am A vErY StRonG PeRsoN aNd CaN hAnDlE AnYtHiNg LiFe ThRowS My WaY!! BeCaUsE Of ThAt SoMe PeopLe MaY ThInK I'm ToO SeRiOuS AbOut ThInGs...I dOn't BeCaUse YoUr FuTuRe iS OnLy WhAt YoU MakE oF iT.....YoU FigHt For WhAt YoU WaNt AnD InDeeD YOu WiLL ReCIevE!!!!! So i work hard now..because when it's my time to go..I want something to look back on and smile with gratitude that I lived that life I wanted to live in THE END!!!! LIFE's what you make of it....if you have DREAMS GO FOR THEM even if it's gonna be a struggle to get there....and if you have HURT/ANGER LET IT GO....life's too short to hold onto the SMALL STUFF!!!
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~~~I have the MOST INCREDIBLE boyfriend ever...he's just the frosting on my cake and has made me soooo HAPPY!!! I HaVe 2 CaTs MaLibU AnD SAlEm(LoVe-Em :)they are my babies and I sometimes(well most of the time) refer to them as my boys/children cuz they kinda are like that. I LoVe To Go OuT WiTh ThE GiRlS AnD Go DaNCiNG, LoVe To WAtCh the Buckeyes and Brownies play--even if we lose(LOL), MoViEs 4 SuRe, oH, AnD I lOvE To BaKe AnD CoOk, GoInG tO CoNcErTs, I aM VeRy LoVeAblE, CaRinG and CoMpaSsIoNaTe, aNd I aM tHe PeRsOn U CaN cOmE tO 4 SuPpOrT.... AnYtHiNg CaN AlMoSt PuT a SmIlE oN mY FaCe....i JuSt LoVe tO hAve FuN...aNd WaNt tO eXpErIeNcE aS MuCh aS i CaN iN mY liFe!!!!~~~ I alSo haVE a BiG hEaRt (So DoN't TaKe AdvAntAgE oF ThaT)....bUt AlsO A BiTcH If I aM sCrEwEd OveR. I HaTe LiArS, ChEaTeRs, JeAlOuSy, peoPlE who dOn'T VaLuE OtHeR PeOpLe's TiME...(I cAn Be VEry ImPaTiEnt)..MoSt Of AlL i HATE fAkEs..if you don't LiKe Me Or HaVe SoMeThInG To Say SAY IT TO MY FACE...I CaN DiSh iT BaCk JuSt as BAD if NoT HARDER AnD i HATE LaZi PeOpLe Get off yOUR ASSES and Do sOmEtHinG PrODUctiVe In YoUr LiFE!!!!! (OK, on that note LOL)..... AnD By ThE WaY If U HaVeN't NoTiCeD I LoVe QoUTes and MUSIC!!!!!When you receive Christ, God's work in you has just begun. The road you travel may be a rocky one, but God can smooth the way. So trust Him now and don't look back. For narrow is the road that leads you to the greatest home of all.I am not where I need to be, but thank God I am not where I used to be.

What You Are Is God's Gift to You . . . What You Make of Yourself Is Your Gift Back to God.

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My Interests

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I love to do almost anything...I hate snakes...so when it comes to the wilderness you can pretty much count me out...im the biggest most phobic snake girl you'll probably EVER meet...sorry!!! I love the sun so in the summer Im a beach bunnie..I like to lay out with my ipod and a nice cold glass of water and relax. I also enjoy food...and chocolate(im addicted). I love to laugh and have a good time. One day I hope to travel...I want to visit many places in my lifetime. I have many goals in my life...and everyday I wake up with the mentality to achieving them. I also love to talk to people...Im def.a talker sometimes i dont shut up...LOL...my friends are laughing reading this Im sure. I like to jump around and act like a kid sometimes...and i may say stupid things that mean absolutely nothing....but I grew up kinda fast so Im still playing within myself if that makes any sense. :)

I'd like to meet:

Every experience God gives us, every person He puts in our path, is the perfect preparation only He can see.In Christ, the hopeless find hope.When we put our cares in God's hands, He puts His peace in our hearts.What you do with Jesus now determines what He will do with you later.I like to meet new friends all the time...you can NEVER have too many. But I would love to meet Julia Roberts or Reese Whiterspoon because I admire both of them and I love all their movies!!!!Continue on your walk with God ... and one day when the time is right your soul mate will walk right beside you.


Music...ahhhh...my peace...I love it. If i had talent that's where Id be as far as my career. But, I can just be a fan and Im happy with that. Music is pretty much the center of my life and has been one thing that has given me much strength and hope in my life. I love many types from Christian music to Country(proabably my favorite), Rock, R&B, Rap and of Course the 80's, 90's stuff...throw in some disco why not....It's music!!!!




I love all chick flicks..well most. I love Julia Roberts she's my fav. actress. Love My best Friend's wedding, A walk to Remember, The Notebook, P.S. I love you, Dirty Dancing, Beaches, etc. I also love comedy as my second best I love to laugh until my stomach hurts and I start to cry(like I did when i recently saw the CHIPMUNKS-that was HILARIOUS), and of course your good old action movies. Im not into the war type movies...It just doesnt float my boat!!!! No one is worth your tears, and the One who is won't make you cry.


Well, I dont really watch much tv anymore. But I do like to watch One Tree Hill and of course American Idol....and I LOOOOOVEEE lifetime. Otherwise, not much more for me here.href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lm15aG90Y 29tbWVudHMuY29tLw==">



When you're down to nothing, God's up to something!I like to read inspirational books. My most fasinating would be self-help books they have really helped me alot in life...and one day I think I may just write one myself...I have been through alot in my life...and I think one day I may be able to help others that may be going through what I have gone through in my past... ......MyHotComments........


The hardest lesson I've ever had to learn is to LET GO and LET GOD.



Honestly, I would have to say ME!!!! Im a very strong, motivated girl. I have a strong will to keep going when life hits me at the worst. I have hit rock bottom and have come out alive and positive. I have chosen to walk with God in my life just recently without any guidance...I did it because I felt "that pull to become closer....to let him guide me." I have made many bad choices in my life...but we learn from them and can only become wiser!!! Many people who have experienced all that I have probably wouldnt come as far as I have. Im a very hard, dedicated person and I DO NOT GIVE UP...even though sometimes I feel I want to I WON'T becauase I have a PURPOSE in life....and I know one day God will show me where i need to be and why!!!!!

My Blog

An Eye Opener!!!

......i found this poem back in 2004 and was rumbling through poems tonight and found this...it has def. given me new perspective on life and things in general...really gives me motivation and i hope ...
Posted by ♥SaBrInA♥ on Thu, 03 Jul 2008 11:03:00 PST

What a Woman Should Have!!!

  A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ...enough money within her control to move outand rent a place of her own, even if she never wants to or needs to...    A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ...something ...
Posted by ♥SaBrInA♥ on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 09:23:00 PST

The Truth about Life!!!!

Maybe we were supposed to meet the wrong people before meeting the right one so that, when we finally meet the right person, we will know how to be grateful for that gift. Maybe when the door of happi...
Posted by ♥SaBrInA♥ on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 06:50:00 PST


*****Something EVERYONE Should Read!!!!!***** Current mood: enlightened I was in the shower a lil bit ago, and doing some thinking...i had an epiphany, and i liked it..... SINGLES::::Have you ever ...
Posted by ♥SaBrInA♥ on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 03:04:00 PST

Some Of Sabrinas Favorite Quotes to Share!!!

These are some of my most favorite quotes....thought I would share them :)   *"The worst thing about getting your heart broken is going to sleep knowing your gonna wake up with the same broken he...
Posted by ♥SaBrInA♥ on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 04:42:00 PST

Let It Go!!!!!!

There are people who can walk away from you. And hear me when I tell you this! When people can walk away from you: let them walk. I don’t want you to try to talk another person into staying with...
Posted by ♥SaBrInA♥ on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 05:21:00 PST

"See who I am for me"/"Real Love-the One"

WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR YOU TO SEE I AM NOT WHO YOU WANT ME TO BE!!!!Why is it so hard for you to see I am not who you want me to be.I am not perfect I am flawed but fact be told aren’t we all.I a...
Posted by ♥SaBrInA♥ on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 04:13:00 PST

Attitude for Life-NO FEAR

N=No Judgement When faced with a crisis take a step back and try to look at it without judgement. Be kind to yourself, it is neither good or bad. It just is. Be in the present, and evaluate your optio...
Posted by ♥SaBrInA♥ on Mon, 15 Oct 2007 04:04:00 PST

Some words of Wisdom on Relationships!!!

Someone once said this to me, Someone very important and close to my heart and here’s what she said:     Many of us have worked too hard to make relationships work: sometimes those rel...
Posted by ♥SaBrInA♥ on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 12:03:00 PST