About Me
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Well, i killed my old profile, due to the fact that i went bat fuck crazy and tried to disconnect myself from the system by changeing everything to one of my alternate screen names. Well i got my self together and now im back.
Enough of that, back to about me
Well, my name is the Qurck. I generaly lurk around the internet and apparently I have some skill at computer artwork (but I don't think it is that good) I live by a set of rules that i wont break for no one.
1. Be 4Real To Yourself
2. Be 4Real To Others
3. Dont Fuck With Other Peoples Shit
4. Dont Try To Change Others
5. Dont Assume You Know Anyone
6. Lie's Are Part Of Life. Use Them To Your Advantage
7. Don't Cheat
8. Take Pain For Others
9. My Life Means Nothing, Therefor, I Have Nothing To Loose
10. Always Be To The Max
Those are the rules, and i will stick by them untill i die.
what fighting style do you have?
Your a fucking lunatic! you dont care what you have to use or do as long as you win. youve never lost a fight in your life and you plan to keep it that way no matter what it takes. You need help mentally, seriously...
How do you compare?
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What is Your Inner Element?
The Element of Fire
You are the raging intensity of the element fire. You have an unrelenting amount of energy, and are a truly ambitious person. You are very sporadic, and you're ready to go at a whims notice! Even though you are open to new ideas, you're very firm in what you believe in. You are extremely enthusiastic, and are always willing to help a friend in need. You are very freedom loving, always open to new challenges, and you love/thrive on excitement. You are generous, open to exploration, creative, extravagant, powerful, optimistic, excitable, impulsive, and dogmatic. The down side: you are prone to accidents involving high speed, getting into violent; even dangerous situations, subject to accidents involving fire or explosion; especially while traveling, the strong desire for freedom may cause jealousy or even possessiveness in a lover or friend, and your challenging nature may provoke anger, sometimes even violence in others.
How do you compare?
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what kind of assasain are you?
your a silent killer
you take out your hits quickly and quitely
How do you compare?
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your homicidal profile by Solstice
Your Real Name
Your TV Nickname Qurck The Insane
Weapon of Choice Meat Clever
Number of Victims 857
Mugshot Description Coming at the camera with a knife
Fiascos in Jail You kill the guards with well-aimed plastic forks