AHHOOO!! We'll here's a little about me. Im from Indian Camp, Oklahoma!! I'm Osage, Otoe, Cheyenne & Arapahoe and Iowa. 4/4 native. I have two Very Very Handsome baby boys. The oldest is Keenen (bean), smart guy, who is 11 years old. And the youngest, Haiden Rain, (lovey), who is the comedian, is 6 years old. I love my boyzzz very very much, they are my lil Heros!! I moved away from my wretched small home town to start a new life with my honey, Devlin Zephier. So Devlin is my Hero in a way too. I love him very much and we will soon get married, before the year is over and have a little girl that we have been trying for, forever. An were getn ready to get a new house so whooo hoooo! I've lived here with him for 2 years and i love it, i love the people, most of the people, and they love me, those that know me. Im easy to get along with and i like to laugh!! Althought i miss home sometimes, theres only a hand full of people that i wish were here with me every once in awhile. Or i wish i could back road in osage county with all my pretty friends at least once a year!! I'm a very good hearted person, who used to trust easily, but has learned noone can be trusted. I've met a few rugged girlz here who hate me. lol!! for what reason i dont know. Jealousy i guess!! lol!! I think...I know that people who talk about other people should look at theirselves first, they will find that they have no room to talk shit about anyone else!! You know who you are!! And for some reason,i know your reading this!! "smile"!! I would pretty much do anything for a friend or someone i love. I would givem the shirt off my back or the last beer in the ice chest!! whatever they need!! I can be trusted!!