hamboogers profile picture


About Me

Ahem!! We are THE HAMBOOGERS and we come from the Far East. Specifically, Hayward. Each member has close to no talent individually. Yet, together we have as much talent as a very small dog (arf!!!) For inspiration, we look to the past.....such as last night's supper (burp!!!)

So, what is with this name THE HAMBOOGERS? Its very simple. The Hamburgers was already taken. Wouldn't you agree it was quite clever of us to simply replace UR with OO? We didn't think so. Anyway, we like to think of ourselves as absolulety horrible. We hope you agree.

My Interests


Member Since: 25/07/2005
Band Website: www.ci.hayward.ca.us
Band Members: Little Sputnick (THE NEWEST HAMBOOGER! SEE BLOG UPDATE FOR DETAILS!) Dorinda "The Duchess Raffelli, Bobby Volare, Mike "Snappy" Fingers, Stevie Stiletto. And six anonymous teenagers from India
Influences: Edgar Winter, Edgar Cayce, Edgar Rice Burroughs, Edgar Degas, Edgar Presley, J. Edgar Hoover, Edgar Cardoso, Edgar Newton-John, Edgar Renteria, Edgar Sinatra, Edgar Allen Poe, Edgar Kennedy, Edgar Bergan and Charlie McCarthy, and the Beach Boys. We'd also like to take a moment to acknowledge our parents, God, and the authors of the Constitution.
Sounds Like: Remember that . . . first time? That special moment when you looked in the mirror and realized that Transformers and Pop Roxx wouldn't cut it anymore? You threw those smelly old Oshkosh B'gosh overalls in the corner and walked out your front door into a Brave New World of fast cars, fast love, fast food, and fast . . . stuff? A rainbow explosion suddenly went off in your mind, as if a hundred thousand My Little Ponies went Supernova all at once. And you KNEW that nothing would ever be the same again. Well, add drums.
Record Label: Ummm . . . it was very sticky on one side
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Chimp or Gorilla

Hello Boogerholics(tm)!!!!! Jason Mirkin here. You know here at Heritage Entertainment International (not to be confused with the backed-up stall next door) I get a lot of questions. Mostly, it's...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Oct 2005 17:13:00 GMT

The New and Improved Hamboogers

Hello everyone, My name is Jason Mirkin, senior vice-president of marketing with Heritage Entertainment International.  We put on Renaisance Faires in playgrounds and vacant lots across the count...
Posted by on Tue, 30 Aug 2005 10:31:00 GMT

Hamboogers In Oakland, 9.2.05

Hello everyone!  Barry McTassle here again! I just wanted to let you know that your favorite myspace Rock Heroes, the Hamboogers, will be making their Bay Area debut on Friday, Sept. 2nd at the S...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Aug 2005 11:23:00 GMT

Hamboogers Update

Devoted Hamboogers Fans, I'm sure by now you're all confused as to what's going on with America's New Sweethearts of Boy Rock, the Hamboogers (name currently being filed for copywrite protection), wha...
Posted by on Tue, 23 Aug 2005 11:04:00 GMT


TO ALL OUR DEVOTED FANS: On this day, the anniversary of Elvis' death, I had to make the toughest descision of my life. As leader of the Hamboogers, I have fired the entire band.  Bobby, Gerry, S...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Aug 2005 06:11:00 GMT

Snappy's back

So, we kicked the new guy out. Veethon was great and all, but Snappy showed up right after our live recording with a bunch of those new Stoneyfield Farms smoothies to share. Man, it was right like b...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 08:21:00 GMT


After a long and exhaustive search we have found a replacement for REDACTED Hambooger family! REDACTED has had years of experience playing in bands such as the Krafty Weazels (no relation to the Ham...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Aug 2005 14:34:00 GMT


The Hamboogers regret to inform you, our wonderful and supportive fans, that Mike "Snappy" Fingers is REDACTED a Hambooger.  This is quite a blow, REDACTED his REDACTED the best.  Really! But we d...
Posted by on Thu, 04 Aug 2005 14:20:00 GMT


Posted by on Wed, 03 Aug 2005 16:58:00 GMT


That's it! That's MY YOGURT, and I sure didn't write the last announcement. You can go back to dental hygiene, it's over. I quit. I didn't put up with 16 months of B.I.T hell to menage-a-trois my ...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Aug 2005 16:34:00 GMT