hMm..~ bAsicaLLy iM ^p!ggy.. iN tERms oF loOks n fiGuRe..~ oH yA..~ cHaRacteR tOo..~ tAt y i goT tHe EQuatioN: bLuRz+sTupiD=voN..~ =P heEz..~ iM vEry oUt-goiNg tYpe..~ likEs siNgiNg aLoTz tOo..~ tHe siGht oF bOoKs gEt mE iN dReaMLanD aGaiN..~ heEz..~
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hMm..~ thE PpL i wannA mEEt..? aCtuaLLy anYoNe wiLL dO loRz..~ s LoNg s thEy r siNceRe iN mAkinG fReNz..~ bUt thE bEst iS goT yAndaOz tO sEe..~ heEz..~ =P