[the alphabet survey]
Act your age: 15
Born on what day of the week: wedensday
Chore you hate: bathroom
Dad's name: myron
Essentail make-up item: flowers
Favorite actors/actresses: hallie barry
Gold or sliver: gold
Hometown: cleveland
Instruments you play: none
Job title: stock
Kids: none
Living arrangements: with sister
Mom's name: robin
Number of socks you own: 10 pairs
Overnight hospital stays: none
Phobia: none
Quote you like: holla
Religious affiliation: church of christ
Siblings: 3
Time you woke up today: 8
Unusual habits: none
Vicious thing you've done: punch someone
Worst habit: pickin my nose
X-rays you've had: none yet
Your favorite season: summer
Zodiac sign: taurus
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my all time favorite t.v shows r nascar, wild-n-out and smallville and csi(all three)DID I I MENTION WRESTLING
me personaly i dont read book per say but i do read my morning newspaper to catch up on current evernts
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the are only two heoros in my life and there r god and my parents