Geraldine profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

*i wAnT tO bE LoVeD bY u*
*i WaNt tO bE a PrINcEss In oUr VeRy OwN FaiRy tALe CrEaTeD bY u*
*i wAnT u tO bE thErE mE, LikE i'm THeRe FoR u*
*i WaNt To Be uR EvErYtHiNg*
*i wAnT tO hEaR u BrEaTh*
*i WanT tO sMeLL sMeLL*

seguiremos siempre juntos HuNNy BuN...

bLuRRy + si||y + fuNny + cHi|diSh + giR|y + sEnsItiVe + eAsi|y cRy ...

|uRvEs -- tO b pAmpeRed * sHowEr wIth aFfeCtiOn * bE |oVed n cArEd * tO b sHoWeR wiF sWeeT suRpriSes * HuGz * cHoco|aTes * f|owErS *

iNtErEsts -- eAtiNg nOn-sToP ... mY |iTTle PiGGiEs

cOnc|usIoN -- gUeSs i'm |yke a bAby |oVe mE WiF a|| Ur HeArT oThErWiSe GO AWAY...! nEeds tO bE cArE a|ot ... dOn't bU||y me ...

Este amor es como el sol que sale tras de la tormenta

mY bLoG:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

+i JuSt HopE ThaT YoU aRe NoT TrYinG tO bE sOmEoNe ElsE... Don'T fOrGeT wHo YoU ReAllY Are... jUsT vOiCe oUt wHaTeVeR YoU ArE ThInKiNg... TrEaT mE LikE a PrInCeSS... I wOuLd aPPrEcIaTe sOmEoNe WiTh SoMe iNtElliGeNcE aNd EQ.... MoRe iMpoRtAnTlY, SoMebOdy WiTh cHeMisTrY... i WanT tO bE lOvEd By YoU...

My Blog

leÅf's dËpårture is coz of w¡nÐ's pur§uit or coz trËe d¡Dn't a§k heR to stÄy?

Leaf's Story I like to collect leaves. Why? Because I felt that for a leaf to leave the tree she has been relying on for so long it takes a lot of courage. During the 3 years of Pre-U I was on very ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jan 2004 21:55:00 GMT