chillin, laxin, chillaxin, meetin peepz, experiencin diff typez of culturez (domestically n internatinally) n my all time fav is travelin
according 2 michelle in italia: i'm a "SOCIAL WHORE" lol, n from yasu: a "social butterfly" lol, but in reality i am just a shy guy who likez 2 make sure every1 is havin a good time n who luvz every1 cuz life iz 2 short not 2
if i met ya once, most likely i will alwayz remember u, i have a really good memory 4 people n facez, namez can sumtimez b tricky but if i've talked 2 ya bout who u r, i will alwayz remember ya
i heart broadways esp. spamalot
farenhiet 451, LOL, if u get da joke u can talk 2 me, if u dont, then u need 2 get a lil educated befo u step 2 dis, lol, i may b ghetto but i know my shit, lol
amor a mi abuelo
mi abuela y yo
a shout out 2 all my peepz dat know how 2 keepz it real, n fo all yal fake hataz n bustaz...::swipe, swipe::, my bad yal, jus had 2 get dat dirt off my shoulda