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About Me

I created my layout at KillerKiwi.netLabryenco is a Flamenco company based on the guitarist / composer Alain labrie, who has gathered the finest and best musicians around him.
Their sound is an overwhelming mixture of Flamenco guitar, groovy percussion, warm frettless bass, beautifull violin and some very nice vocal adds.
Their music is also influenced by all the other music styles Labrie has ever listened to (pop, rock, classic, latin, jazz, arabic and so on).
Calle Ventana, CUP 8024/Music&Words
A.V.S. Nederlands pop instituut, Sept. 2003. Fret, Okt. 2003.World musicLabryenco-Calle ventana (I-C-U-B-4-T-cup 8024)
Alain Labrie and co. are the top of the bill of the Dutch flamenco and the various members are known from bands like Les Charmeurs and da Gaia.
In a shaky house build in 1628 guitar player Labrie lives and works on the perfectioning of his intimate and sometimes fiery play. In the same place this debut album was recorded.
A dreamy record as well as the accompanying miniature stories and reflections in the accompanying booklet.
And also a smashing record because once the rattling rhythms got started and some hoarse throats are opened, sparks are all over the place setting everything on fire.
Ruud VerkerkPlatoMania, nr.181, Sept. 2003.ManiaLabryenco/ Calle ventanaIf you like flamenco music and have been dreaming away with Eric Vaarzon Morel and Estrella Morente, you have to listen to this cd by Labryenco.
While the late Autum sun puts your living room in a golden glow, the music brings you in the right mood. You're recalling this beautiful holiday in Spain or are already dreaming the next one.
Guitarist Alain labrie plays besides flamenco guitar also balalaika, bouzouki and ud. Franklin heilijgers frettless bass produces the beautiful low notes. Violin and cello show themselves in the beautiful song "Mi compañera" and also there is a lot of sensitive percussion to enjoy with instruments like cajon, darbouka and djembé.
The cd is mostly instrumental but there are also some sung pieces to listen to.
Calle ventana is a brilliant cd!
Carlos BrettonSpeaker, nr 38, 2e kwartaal 2003Despite their sober and modest presentation on stage, the power of their act is impressive. All styles are played, from Solea, Bulerias up to Tangos.
This company formed by Alain Labrie (guitar, compositions), Franklin Heilijgers (frettless bass), Jaro Stulrajter (violin) and Antal Steixner (percussion) is not unknown in the Dutch music scene. Their compositions are breathtaking beautiful, Alain shows he's one of the best flamenco guitar players in the Netherlands.
The cd is full with high level compositions varying between intimate Solea and fiery Tangos.
Besides jazzy pieces there's also clasical influenced material that sometimes reminds me of the famous Spanish composer Manuel de Falla (1876-1946), especially the last song "Cuando mi guitarra llora" sung by Erminia Fernandez Cordoba.
Being an aficionado I couldn't help checking out this act "live". Recently they played in "Lokaal vredebreuk" and "Het Syndikaat", both clubs situated in The Hague. Labryenco played with Spanish flamenco singer and fifth member Carlos Denia who literally sang his passion from the deeps of his lungs.
The most beautiful thing is; there's enough to enjoy without understanding about flamenco rules and music.
This leaves me wondering whether The Hague isn't the flamenco-capital of the netherlands.
Jean-Pierre GeelenTablao flamenco, nr. 17, 01-09-2003.
From the "Raamstraat"
From our own country (the Netherlands) recently "Calle ventana by labryenco, the company around guitarist Alain Labrie, was released.
The name of this band is a wordgame. The cd title (and the tangos with the same title) is a reference to the old house in the Hague's Raamstraat where the guitarist used to live and made the recordings. The quality of these recordings is surprisingly good, as can be heard on Calle ventana's nine titles.
Without exeption Labrie's guitar claims a central position, but what also strikes me is the use of other instruments, such as violin, cello and balalaika.
The whole sounds polished and balanced. None of the pieces can be called weak. The whole sounds very flamenco.
Also the singing deserves special mentioning.
Rafael 'falu' Galvan, Erminia Fernandez Cordoba and Carlo Denia are welcome additions, the voice of the latter even reminds me of Pansequito.
The whole makes me curious about what more there is to expect from the Raamstraat.

My Interests


Member Since: 09/08/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Alain Labrie: Flamenco guitar, Composer.
Antal Steixner: Percussion.
Franklin Heilijgers: Bas guitar.
Jaro Stulrajter: Violin.
Carlos Denia: Singer.
Rafael "Falu" Galvan: Singer.

Influences: Check deze video: Rumba


Aan mijn Profiel Toevoegen | Meer videoundefined Mi compañera


Add to My Profile | More VideosCheck out this video: Bulerias


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Record Label: Music&Words
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New cd

Working on the new cd@studio Labrie.
Posted by on Sat, 02 May 2009 08:29:00 GMT

Labryenco "live"

08-09-07: Labryenco plays at Sunny Court festival/ The Hague at 21:00.09-09-07: Labryenco plays at Kunstliefde/ Utrecht at 15:00.
Posted by on Fri, 07 Sep 2007 09:18:00 GMT