VIOLENCE. We see it everyday. Violence on the news. Violence in the paper. Violence in movies. Violence in music. Violence in front of our homes. It’s all too common for most and a fact of life in many of our communities. We don’t even think about it anymore. When was the last time you saw something violent? Last night? This morning? Just before you read this? Has society really changed since the bloody Roman era or the just as bloody Dark Ages? I’m not sure sometimes. Have we been made to feel nothing when other people are victims of violence?
HUSH explores some of the different viewpoints and tolerances in society regarding violence. It questions our reasons and justifies none. Are our efforts fruitless? Do we lack the ability to change or do we lack the strength to incite change? HUSH ultimately asks, what would you do?
I don't think violence on film breeds violence in life. Violence in life breeds violence in films.
-Robert Aldrich
HUSH like many short films was submitted to, one of the online film pioneers. The film was subsequently rejected a short time later with this email.
Dear Filmmaker,
Thank you for submitting "HushWeb5" to AtomFilms. We know how much hard work and energy goes into making a film and we appreciate you wanting to share your vision with our audience. Unfortunately, your film does not quite fit our current needs....
Best regards,
AtomFilms Submissions
Now rejection is something all artists, including filmmakers, must go through, however a day later I received this email, unsolicited I might add;
We have found that your clip violates one or more provisions of Section 4 of our Terms of Service, which states that users may not:
“…create a user name or screen name or upload to, distribute through or otherwise publish through the Site any Materials which are indecent, libelous, defamatory, obscene, threatening, invasive of privacy or publicity rights, abusive, illegal, harassing, contain expressions of hatred, bigotry, racism or pornography, or are otherwise objectionable, or that would constitute or encourage a criminal offense, violate the rights of any party or violate any law.â€
We were shocked. Our little Anti-Violence film was being considered obscene, threatening and containing expressions of hatred, etc.
My first reaction was to send a nasty email, then I realized, THEY JUST DON"T GET IT. It isn't a reality that is real to them so they label it obscene. Well for millions of us everyday violence is a reality and needs to be addressed. If Atom Films doesn't have the courage or wisdom to promote a dialouge about violence that the film evokes, we should not let that stop our voice from being heard.
I want to hear you think about it. Is it censorship, racism or just ignorance. Let me know with your comments.