everyone form any part of the world, my old friends, anyone....
--KoRn--SLipKnot--MarilYn MAnSon--OrGY--InCubus--BlInK 182--NoFX-- CRaZYTown--CrEED--The Beatles--Fooo Fighters--Muse--MetalliCA--Gin Blossom--SilVerChaiR--No Doubt--Luna Sea--L`arc~en~ciel--Glay--The STroKes, The Vines--RAmmStein--RanciD--Staind--System Of A Down--Lost ProPhets--ButterFIngers--DisAGerEE--Sheila on 7--JoE SatrianI--Steve VaI--Eric JohnSon--Jimi Hendrix--yngwie malmsteen and many2 more....most songs fix me well....and im just looking forward to listen to beethoven or mozart?? *shucks*
Lord OF the Rings Trilogy, mtrix Trilogy, Harry Potter, Saving Private Ryan, Braveheart, Shawshank Redemption, Hitler, Spiderman (all marvel based on comic movie), all based on true story movie, all sci-fi movie....i got variety!!!!
--FRieNDs--EverYBody LoVes RAyMond--SmaLLviLLE--AnGeL--BuFFy--CsI--