R'MaNi profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My hearts on fire! I've got a burning desire to live life to the fullest! I'm a passionate individual with a deep hunger for life and a curious mindset. I've got a hunger... or does the hunger have me?! If curiosity killed the cat then my 9 lives are almost up! I'm on a mission to experience everything that life has to offer. Unfortunately, freedom requires money and therefore I consider myself to be a true entrepreneur! I don't work for money I make it work for me! I'm on a quest to be truly free to do what I want, when I want and with whom I want! I have a deep sense of comittment to my friends and my family. Although I have many friends on this planet there are few who truly know who I am. I've always been told that one has no choice as to which family they're born into... However, we have the luxury of choosing our friends... so choose wisely!
I love to travel and I love taking in new cultures and experiences. In my lifetime I have had the opportunity to travel a great deal... However, it has been my experience that the more one learns... the less one knows. In other words you realize how much more there is to take in. Welcome to mySpace... carpe diem... take it all in! But be careful not to bite off more than you can chew!

My Interests

1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21...."Chaos is unpredictability, a situation in which the effect can not be derived from the cause and in which the cause can not be found by analysing the effect. It is strange that chaos is nearly banished from science because humans are often chaotic and can bring about chaotic situations. Moreover chaos is more interesting than investigations of continuous events that can be outlined before. Life often makes jumps, is often chaotic. That makes life interesting."~THE MATHEMATICS OF CHAOS

I'd like to meet:

For those who truly know me you understand that I have an incessant love for that electronic sound! Throughout the years I've had the honor of meeting a handful of kindred spirits who share that same fire within. It just so happens that these people are also extremely gifted when it comes to djing. Thus, we've decided to form a collective that shall be known as INPHiNITE ViBES. We'll be crankin out a wide spectrum of electronic music sets for your audible pleasure. Get to know us for a beat or a lifetime! The possibilities are INPHiNITE.


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Mathematics is the language of nature and music is a metaphor for life... Its all interconnected and music embodies the journey that is life! The Kaos that we perceive to be life is in actuallity a beautiful symphony. Up down and all around... The art of NOISE! Music gives me what I need... I love all music as long as it speaks to me. However, I'm partial to electronic music... house, techno, progressive, n breaks! There's something about that electronic sound that strikes a chord! And on that note... I also DJ... I'm not aspiring to be one, I simply enjoy the strategy and skill involved in trying to achieve the ever so elusive "perfect mix." I'm a work in progress and I have an appreciation and admiration for those individuals who have mastered it. Mastering the metaphor of life!


I love cinema! In today's single serving society cinematography has replaced the book. Who has time to read?Actually, I love reading... but i still love the movies!Have you seen "It's all gone Pete Tong?"


Nip/Tuck & EnterougeNeed I say more?


So many to choose from... I'll get back to you on that one.


"I want to know God's thoughts... the rest are details."-Albert Einstein

My Blog

DJ MaNi - An Inphinite History

Download "An Inphinite History" - 12/03/2007
Posted by R'MaNi on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 05:39:00 PST

DJ MaNi - The House of Armitage

Download "The House of Armitage" - 10/13/2007
Posted by R'MaNi on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 05:36:00 PST