VoxFox profile picture


About Me

VoxFox is a professional a cappella group. This vocal ensemble approaches music without worrying about it´s genre. The repertoire therefore ranges from classical to pop, rock and jazz. VoxFox has performed in different places; concert halls, pubs, weddings, birthday parties etc. The group members are six and they share an ambition for performing beautiful and well arranged music.

My Interests


Member Since: 09/08/2007
Band Website: www.voxfox.net
Band Members: Gunnar Thorarensen
* Læknanemi.
* Pí­anó- og söngnám.Hreiðar Ingi Þorsteinsson
* Tónmenntakennari.
* Nemi við Listaháskóla Íslands, tónskáld.
* Pí­anó- og söngnám.Lilja Dögg Gunnarsdóttir
* Íslenskufræðingur og kennari.
* Söngnemi við Söngskólann í­ Reykjaví­k.
* Pí­anónám.Sverrir Örn Hlöðversson
* Tannlæknanemi.
* Pí­anónám.Vigdí­s Garðarsdóttir
* Tónmenntakennari.
* Pí­anó- og söngnám. Þórdí­s Sævarsdóttir
* Tónmenntakennari.
* Pí­anó- og söngnám.
Record Label: Unsigned

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