*CoCo*photography profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

well first off, i want to shoot you, your band, your event.. ect. all of my top friends are using my images if you'd like to check them out. if you have any questions or would like to talk about a shoot you can hit me here or at coco.photo@yahoo.comjust a little about me...i'm short and freakled. i almost always wear black, white, and red. sometimes pink. i don't look good in hats and i don't steal music. i'm allergic to hair dye, and no, bleach is not the same thing. i'll wear the same thing a thousand times till i find a new favorite thing to wear and then wear that a million times. i wish summer never existed. i can't dance but i love to anyway. i love photography period, and all things creative for that matter. i want to travel more. if i like you, you'll know. i'm not sly or quick and i have horrible memory. yes, i've heard i look like punky bruster, thanks, i look like a 10 year old. if i'm not talking i simply don't have anything to say. i'm not a cool kid or a metal kid or a scene kid or a club kid. i'm just a kid and i love it.[LOVEMYFLASH][/LOVEMYFLASH]

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

david lachapelle, david bowie, johnny depp, elton john, steven tyler, tori amos, robert smith, trent reznor, prince, audrey hepburn, bruce springstein, jim morrison, betty pageAdd Comment



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