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Fuck You

I am here for Dating

About Me

.The MV Family.I skate and kick it with my friends. I like to hang out with chicks.......my screen name is dudehasbluepants. i like to skate all day during the summer with my friends. im in a skate crew called "StreetXPirates". We tear up the hills in Mission Viejo.

My Interests

Girls and skating

I'd like to meet:

Mike JonesThis profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5


{ scrollbar-face-color: white; scrollbar-highlight-color: red; scrollbar-3dlight-color: red; scrollbar-darkshadow-color: white; scrollbar-shadow-color: red; scrollbar-arrow-color: red; scrollbar-track-color: gray; } -- The Sex Pistols


There are some good movies out there


I dont watch t.v.


Books can be cool


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My Blog

about me

yea my screen name is dudehasbluepants, if i dont like you dont get in my face because i will hit you.im chill if your chill.dont be a bust.
Posted by Fuck You on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST