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Survey Time
Name: Jennie
Birthday: 20/10/87
Birthplace: Athina
Current Location: Athina
Eye Color: kastana
Hair Color: kastana
Height: 1,77
Weight: Exm...den kanoun tetoies erwtiseis! Anyway... 65kg!
Right Handed or Left Handed: right handed!
Your Ethnicity: elliniki!
Your Weakness: Den empistevomai eykola tous allous
Your Fears: Fovamai osa den mporw na katalavw...
Your Perfect Pizza: Xwriatiki (feta, ntomata, elies, manitaria, piperia, kremmydi...giam!!)
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: min xehasw na zisw!
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "...Ta'lega egw???"
Your Best Physical Feature: Diistantai oi apopseis... :P
Your Bedtime: anytime !!!
Pepsi or Coke: tpt apo ta 2!
MacDonalds or Burger King: Paramenw pisti stin paradosi...GREEK SOUVLAKI!
Single or Group Dates: Analoga to kefi!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Exw adynamia sti paradexomai! Vevaia, de tha arnoumoun na voutyxw to daxtylo se ena mpwl me krema!!!
Cappuccino or Coffee: Eimai pou eimai nevrospasto...ama piw kai kafe tha parw ta vouna!!!
Do you Smoke Cigarettes: Pinw mpafous kai paizw pro!!!!
Do you Smoke Marijuana: Oxi
Do you Swear: Arkei o logos mou...
Can you Cook: megali epityxia! ;)
Do you want to go to College: eimai idi!...kai ti katalava???
Do you want to get Married:
Do you belive in yourself: An den pisteveis ston eayto sou, den axizei na zeis...
Do you get Motion Sickness: Mpaaa...
Do you think you are Attractive: Poios xerei...
Do you play an Instrument: Nai, piano!
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: Ame!!!...akoma gelaei i parea mou me tis $@#%$% pou ekana sa methysmeni!
In the past month have you Smoked Cigarettes: Nai!
In the past month have you Smoked Marijuana: Oxi
In the past month have you been on Drugs: Oxi
In the past month have you gone on a Date: Nai ame!...Tipota de sas lew!!! ;)
In the past month have you gone to a Mall: De m'aresoun tetoia meri... Myrizei "trentila" apo xiliometra kai mou ti dinei!
In the past month have you eaten Sushi: Mpliax!
In the past month have you been Dumped: Oxi
In the past month have you Had Sex: Nai
Ever been called a Tease:
Ever been Beaten up: Nope
Ever Shoplifted: oxi
How do you want to Die: ...ston ypno mou...
What do you want to be when you Grow Up: Ela mou nte...Peite kamia idea re paidia...twra pou gyrnaei!!!
Which countries would you most like to Visit: ... SKWTIA !!!
Number of Piercings: 2!
Number of Tattoos: An pianetai kai i xenna...tote 1!
Favorite Alchoholic Beverage: mavri sampouka
Favorite Band/Singer/Musician: Delirium Framboise ( ), Thanos Papanikolaou ( ), Guns'n'Roses, Deep Purple, Janis Joplin, Doors, Scorpions, Whitesnake, Bon Jovi, U2, Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, REM, Led Zeppelin, Keith Richards, Slash, Roger Waters, David Coverdale, John Lord, Aerosmith, Steve Tyler, Gilmor, Jim Morrison, Jimmi Hendrix...kai fysika...o enas, monadikos ki anepanaliptos drummer ever TANIS!!! ( & )
Favorite Car: Mi mou ksyneis pliges... :(
Favorite Color: Einai mia evaisthiti erwtisi...peftei kai mia sxetiki piezoun kai anwtera doikitika proxwrisoume stin epomeni! :P
Favorite Season: Xeimwnas xwris deyteri skepsi! Kryo, xioni, tzaki, zesti sokolata...
Are You A Virgin: oxi parthenos...zygos me wroskopo aigokairo! :P
Have you ever Been Cheated On: Pistevw pws oxi...vevaia, pote den xereis...
Have you ever Cheated On a boyfriend/girlfriend: Nai
Would you ever Cheat On a boyfriend/girlfriend: Apofevgw na kanw o,ti de m'aresei na mou kanoun...
Would You Sleep With Others If Your boyfriend/girlfriend Permitted It: De me antiproswpevei sa symperifora
Money or Happiness: happiness!
Beach or Mountains: Kai ta dyo! Arkei na 'xw kali parea!
Chevy or Ford: oxi pali... de tha antexw 2 xtypimata tin idia mera... :(
TV or Radio: Radio! OXI ALLA SKOUPIDIA!!!!
Car or SUV: car
SUV or Motorcycle: motorcycle
Religion: E9 ziteitai parakatw???
Favorite Foods: Otidipote kalomageiremeno!
Favorite Drinks: mavri sampouka, rakomelo, oinomelo, ouzo, xymoi klp
Do you have a fetish: Arketa...
(Girls)Thong, G-String or Panties, (Guys) Boxers, Briefs or Boxer Briefs: whatever ;)
Turn On: Eyxarista atoma me proswpikotita, apopsi kai endiaferonta...
Turn Off: Komplexika pozeria pou mimountai o,ti tous plasaroun...
Gum or Mints: Mints! Poios thelei stis meres mas na paristanei tin katsika?!?
Snow Boarding or Skiing: Kati pou na min apaitei na parw ta vouna i na vgw apo to spiti genikotera?????...
City or Country:
Hugs or Kisses: Exartatai ;)
Dinner and a Movie, or Clubbing. Dinner and a movie!!!! Kopste ta club!...kaine ton egkefalo!
In a Boy/Girl..
First Feature you notice: To genikotero styl...o tropos pou milaei, o tropos pou feretai...ayto pou telos pantwn thelei na mou metadwsei
Favorite Body part: Matia, xeili, daxtyla (me ayti ti seira!)...
Favourite Eye Color: Ektos apo galazia... Den mporw na ta psyxologisw ki ayto mou prokalei mia mikri fovia ws pros to atomo.
Favourite Hair Color: Otidipote, arkei na einai to fysiko! ELEOS PIA ME TIS POZERIES! Vafes, antavgeies kai loipes aidies...
Short or Long Hair: Analoga me to styl tou kai to ti tou pigainei!
Best Clothing Style: Ayto pou ton kanei na niwthei aneta..
Favorite Article of Clothing: ELEOS!
Height: To thes akrivws i sto peripou???
Weight: Analoga to ypsos!

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