Metaphysics - Theology - Healing with Light - Healing with Sound/Frequency - Rocks/Geology - History - DNA research - Dimentional shifts - Altered states of being through Meditation and Binary Rhythms - Love - Energy - Hypnosis - Life Coaching - Water - These are just the top things running around in my head at the moment....Any questions? No? Well I have a bunch...
Jesus, Sathya Sai Baba, Dalai Lama and Mr. Rodgers... this list changes and morphs, you could be on it next.
I appreciate all music - the Beatles and 60's folk - Rock -Show tunes - classical - Indigenous rhythms - chanting.. yup.. pretty much everything.
Anything that makes me think or laugh.
History, Discovery, Sci-Fi
Right now I am reading books relating to my Masters Thesis.
My son, my parents, my husband, my dear friend Jennifer and her husband... myself. Yes, you can be your own hero... and don't forget, You!