ali ♥ profile picture

ali ♥

I am here for Friends

About Me

Born and raised in central PA, but living in Jersey right now going to Rutgers (the MOST amazing college). Genetics major, music minor. Music is life. Future docotor...oncologist perhaps? Musical theater is my thing. I've seen over 60 shows and spend all my money to go to the city to see my favorites over and over again. Semi-unhealthy obsessions with Phantom of the Opera, Spring Awakening, Rent, and Wicked. Dancer for 14 years. Up until this year, performing was what I did. Dance, sing, know how it is. Traveling is my favorite obsession. My goal is to make it to all 50 states and 7 continents...halfway there on both. Leaving June 1 for three weeks in Australia, New Zealand, and Fiji. My favorite places are Sedona, AZ, Westendorf, Austria, and St. Pete Beach, FL. Love to smile, love to laugh. Make me laugh and I know we'll be friends. I believe happiness is contagious. I love the sun, summertime, flowers in springtime, and peanut butter. I'm a people person, for sure (working at a department store and as a server turned me into one). Get to know me...we'll get along, I promise. In short, love God, my friends, and my family.I got my layout at

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Andrew Lloyd Webber, Idina Menzel, Anthony Rapp, Patrick Dempsey, and the whole cast of Spring Awakening (again)but basically i love meeting new people.

My Blog

we should get jerseys cause we make a good team

nearly 6 months strong and only getting better. this is finally the real thing. not high school puppy love. real. finally i've found the person who is my other half in every way possible. and who love...
Posted by on Fri, 27 Mar 2009 12:22:00 GMT

god only knows what i'd be without you

musicofthepiazza (11:55:42 PM): how'd she convince you?MarchinCow4638 (11:55:55 PM): I love her...there wasn't much convincing necessaryand this is how i know things can't get better.
Posted by on Mon, 09 Feb 2009 20:10:00 GMT


anybody who ever said a single class was incapable of ruining your life never took chemistry 162 at rutgers
Posted by on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 20:12:00 GMT

100 things

this is probably gonna take forever but it seems to be the cool thing to do right about now...and i'm REALLY trying to keep from doing any homework.1. i'm an exercise science major. for now. but consi...
Posted by on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 17:44:00 GMT

2008 revamped

so you see...david and i have this routine (or at least we did while at school). every night, we would start talking around 11 or so talk for a good 2 or 3 hours until the other person decided it was ...
Posted by on Thu, 01 Jan 2009 00:43:00 GMT

and it’s our godforsaken right to be loved

i don't know the last time i was this happy. this blissful. the semester is over and i'm home. so far, i have spent the majority of my time with my parents, best friends and david. and today, i realiz...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 20:37:00 GMT


i've realized i cannot live without you. i miss you. So I won't hesitate no more, no moreIt cannot wait I'm sureThere's no need to complicateOur time is shortThis is our fate, I'm yours
Posted by on Sun, 23 Nov 2008 08:02:00 GMT

cause lord only knows another day is not really guarenteed

for the first time since all the bad has happened, i've been left alone with my thoughts. and i don't like it. i feel so guilty for having a good weekend. the phillies world series parade was incredib...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 21:48:00 GMT

let’s spend tonight on top of the world

right now i'm trying very hard to procrastinate. and i'm doing a very good job of it. i'm feeling a little nostalgic today. i'm looking out the window on this semi-rainy day and through my curtains a ...
Posted by on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 19:17:00 GMT

no one said it would be easy...they just promised it would be worth it

i was the girl who had been used more times than i wish to remember. he was the good guy who wanted more than the stupid random hookup. and then we fell into each other. this is beautiful. this weeke...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Oct 2008 09:29:00 GMT