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"Be strong now, because things will get better. It might be stormy now~ but it can't rain forever."
....so. im leah.
....im pretty crazy. im different. i can be sarcastic. i can be nice 2 sumtimes. i love to laugh. i talk on the phone all the timeeee. i can be quiet but its not cuz im stuck-up or anything. i don't think im better than anyone else, but im done being treated like crap. i have an attitude, but try to hide it =] sometimes i mess up but i'll prolly keep you guessing. i don't care if you don't like me. but i won't give you a reason to not like me. don't judge me- cuz you are probably wrong. mess with me and you're not worth my time. mess with my besties and you will be SOOOOO sorry.
....i believe in taking the worst things that happen to you in your life and turning them into something beautiful. life is short. people change, nothing ever stays the same. i dream big, and alot. im gunna go so far as soon as i decide where im going. i try and learn from mistakes. i know now to wait for the best to take a chance with your ♥. i know to hold on to the people who want you, and let go of the ones that don't.
....im going to stay strong no matter what. my happiness is 50% chance and 50% choice. im gunna choose who i am, and never let anyone other than me change it.
....i've learned makin the right descision can be the hardest, but is the easiest to live with. i've learned that even if everyone u trust lets u down, if u can't handle the hurt you are gunna be alone always. life is way to short to be bitter. way to short to hide who u are waitin for something that will never happen. way to short to NOT chase happiness, even if i fall down alot on the way.
....thanks to all my besties for pickin me up when i fall down. or when someone trips me up. ♥♥♥♥♥
"We all die. The goal isn't to live forever. The goal is to create something that will."
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