Born in Ireland. Raised in England (Lancs, Cheshire, Cumbria),Scotland and Wales.
Travelled and busked throughout Europe for over twentyyears.
Currently living a subterranean existence as a busker, beneaththe streets of London, with all the other Trolls, Goblins, Elves,Dwarves and Vampires.
Yes folks, I'm a filthy, despicable Underground Busker andproud of it!
No fresh air or healthy sunshine for me!
End BioSt Pats 05
Well I have managed to rescue the St pat's Slide Show with no help from Myspace - the new "What Am I doing Box" had somehow sabotaged it!Now I just have to figure out how Myspace will allow me make my own notes in the HTML - without them being displayed to the world - I am inserting the correct tags, but myspace keeps changing them - get a grip Tom - I'm still waiting for a reply on this one!
Jim and Friends Playing St Pat's day 2005
End St Pat's 05
What is Busking?
The oldest profession (some say the 2nd oldest), a way of life.Like politics and patriotism – it is the last refuge of ascoundrel! An attempt to survive by abandoned, disenfranchisedand alienated free spirits, in a society that encouragesconformity and mediocrity, penalises uniqueness and despises truecreativity.
What is busking not?
Busking is not something that you wait six months to audition for– then spend two and a half hours on the telephone every Tuesdaymorning in the hope of getting a good pitch two weeks down theline, because you don’t have six mobile phones to beat thequeue!
Busking is not something you go to Music Academy to studyfor.
Busking is not something your agent rings you up to do, so youcan get your picture in the paper, or on the telly – or be on theradio - to promote your latest album, which needs more"exposure"!
Busking is not inserting a disc into a CD player and singingalong.
Busking really isn’t something to be done during the schoolholidays or weekends (now is it?), and then go back to your dayjob and pay the mortgage!
It is a rapidly disappearing way of life, and if we’re notcareful, the goose that lays the golden egg will soon be sold tothe highest bidder, if it hasn’t already. Just as happened inLondon until recently.
End What is BuskingMYGEN layout "Red September" MyGen Profile GeneratorEnd MYGEN layout "Red September"