[MIA]:) profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

...i am a dreamer, a hopeless romantic, very stubborn, a total dork, lazy, loyal, obsessed with fruit roll ups, make up, red lipstick and macaroni and cheese, i over analyze everything, i laugh at myself a lot, and i avoid needless drama at any cost. i don't talk to strangers or run with scissors, and i always look both ways before i cross the street. i'm an attention whore...but not in the "i suck a lot of dick" way -i dont think acknowledging the fact that you are a bitch makes being a bitch ok -im not impressed by what you do or who you know...i am impressed when you remember my name. -i think people take themselves way too seriously -im well spoken but if i like you i forget how to speak. -private profiles are lame...i like your pictures. i am not lurking you. -what i really want to do and im looking forward to it is to go live in LA and pursue acting and music-i look different every single day -i wear almost the same thing every day -strike that im fashionable like once a month -i am not tall i am not supermodel skinny and there are lots of things i dislike about myself. do not be jealous of me. -i like to offend people. ...by all means offend me back. -i like my men demented. but in a sane way. -i love awkward people -i bet my hair is dirtier than yours -im probably everything you want...and youll probably fuck me over. -i have been disgustingly betrayed -im not mean to anyone, therefore you should be pleasant to me -i am the most compassionate person you will ever meet -do not take advantage of my kindness, i have an army of people willing to fuck you up on my behalf. -i have pride and integrity, although it gets me nowhere -if you've fucked one of my friends...dont waste your time with me -im an antisocial butterfly. -i get extremely uncomfortable when men obviously not of my type compliment me. -my closest friends live nowhere near me i miss them soo much -i spend my days missing people. -i dont date -no, im not as cute without my makeup on -i have wonderful elaborate plans for myself however i expect things to just magically happen. -the fact that only like.00001 percent of the worlds population knows who i am bugs the hell out of me. -im forever malcontent -i dont know what im doing with my life and i dont care either -i can sense a heartbreak a mile away -my bitterness is warranted -i want everyone to love me -i sometimes wish i didnt have morals -i want someone to wait for me -alot of people know who i am. nobody knows me. -im afraid of spiders, and my favorite things are art and cheescake. Remember im just me dont like it?? dont care DONT JUDGE Get new hot myspace layout today! *click here* home | Skinny Layouts

My Interests

Music, Dancing, Hair/Hair dye, Good Food,Taking pictures, Roses, Vanilla, EVERYTHING from the 1950's, Batz, snakes, Skulls, Nailpolish, Pictures, Handbags, Lancome make-up, Clothes from E.C. Star, Jewelry from HellKats LA, guys that wear eyeliner, corsets, tattoos, piercings, vintage cars, high heels, modeling... /DIV

I'd like to meet:


My Blog

Theres a stick of gum in my box of tampons

The consistancy is rather pleasant. There is enough static to kindle my humming. Stereophonics covering 'dont let me down' AMAZING. My thoughts are so inconsistant. I cant get anything to hold my atte...
Posted by [MIA]:) on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 06:24:00 PST

all bets off

Sometimes I wish that my friends would break up with their girlfriends, and sometimes I worry that my friend might get a girlfriend, and sometimes - no all of the time - I'm happy that I'm someone's g...
Posted by [MIA]:) on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 06:17:00 PST


I am nowhere near perfect I eat when im bored, I fall for boys to easily, Im vulnerable to believing lies Im hoping that one day i wont need a fake smile I live by quotes that explain exactly what im ...
Posted by [MIA]:) on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 12:37:00 PST

This sucks...

Dont u feel like somehow u just wat to dissapear. I hate that feeling like u have no idea...still i feel it everyday...Sometimes i just turn on my stereo so loud, just hoping that my head goes numb......
Posted by [MIA]:) on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 10:40:00 PST

R.I.P lady in the red dress

Why did u have to go and leave me all alone here???I never would have thought that this would happen, it seemed like my world just broke right there and then...The things you used to tell me wont go a...
Posted by [MIA]:) on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 10:26:00 PST