About Me
You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !I decided that after such a long time of having this myspace, i'm gonna change a few things up in my "About Me" section and actually tell you about me.I'm a Past State Master Councilor of Michigan DeMolay. I'm a Master Mason, Roseville Lodge #522. I'm a romantic. I want what i can't have. If it were up to me, the only thing TV would show would be reruns of "The West Wing" "Scrubs" and every single '90s Nickeloden game show known to man. I'm confident. If i had a choice between super human powers, i'd either be Spiderman or a Jedi, its a toughy. I sometimes throw a pair of socks at my ceiling for funsies. I'm funny. I sing ALOT when i'm alone. I like going outside by myself and throwing a baseball high in the air and running to catch it with my glove. I like to take long walks in my hoodie around my neighborhood just to think. I've loved...and lost. I learn from my mistakes, and still make alot of them. I wish my name was "Trey". If i had a choice between hanging out with friends or being with the girl i loved, watching a crummy movie and eating pizza, i'd pick her everytime. Whenever i'm in a relationship, i'm whipped regardless. I'm a textaholic. I snore like a gutted yetti. I really did shed a tear when i broke my portable DVD player. I sometimes think Jed Bartlett is really the President. Spiderman is my first ever hero. I love my family. I love my friends. I love DeMolay sometimes more then my own family. Writing speeches now makes me vomit. I want to kick Hugh Jackmans ass for doing "Happy Feet" after "X-Men III". I'm honest. I can quote Dane Cook word-for-word. I've only been in one long distance relationship. I loathe cigarettes. I'm always laughing and making people laugh. I have alot of friends and wouldn't give them up for the world. I'm always trying to hang out with my friends after DeMolay school and work. I hate being alone, relationship wise and alone-in-a-room-wise. I love politics more then some of my friends. At DeMolay dances, i dance like a nerd when everyone is watching. I dance with a chair for them slow songs because it listens to everyword i say without interupting and totally gets me. I like my eyes. I go to my dojo (karate training center) more then school. I'm trustworthy. I never give people respect if they don't deserve it or do something to lose it. I like living alone sometimes. My room has never been spotless. I own more hockey pucks then most women own shoes. I own more karate gee's (clothing) then most women own clothes. I'm a proud member and founder of "Club FUN". I dressed up for the opening of Spiderman II. I'm a good friend. I own a yellow car called "Club FUN" or "Jesus the Happy Bumblebee" or "Lightning Bolt" or "Sasha". I have an inner monalouge and daydream often. I narate my own life. I often yell at football players on the TV. I wish i was in the "World Series of Poker" caues i rocks hardcore. My cat hates me cause i throw her around cause she always lands on her feet. I love me some slurpees. I like to end words in "sies" cause its funsies. I still love Disneyworld. I will never ride the "Top Thrill Dragster" cause going straight down isn't my cup of tea. I can pull of a tuxedo and a suit better then most men. I'm a people person. I hate mornings. Anytime before 10:00am is known to me as "O'Dark-thrity". I like to search my place for loose change and go to Coinstar to see how much money i get more then getting my paycheck. I'm a diehard Lions, Tigers, Red Wings and Pistons fan. I make alot of goofy faces. I love making any girl smile. My father can kick Superman's ass hands down. I'm predictable. I get jumpy very easily. I get rid of my anger and frustration by punching mid air. I honk the horn on my steering wheel to any and all Christmas songs. I say "BONG" alot for ice-breaker moments. Just so you know, i have the BEST girlfriend in the world and you just can't compete with that cause i loves her muchous. I like to hang out with my lovely girlfriend and watch the cute little penguins dance (not really, was forced to write that). My fantastic girlfriend and I have the same eyes cause she stole them from me. I have, on more then one occasion, eaten a whole Hot-and-Ready by myself. Snoopy rocks my world. Pepsi sucks and Coca-Cola rules. I've never used a lawn mower in my life. I have a black belt in more then one form of karate. I almost drowned white water rafting in Wyoming.I get quite bored sometimes. There you go, kids. Enjoy. Message me for IM.
My Blog
don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more
Just actually blogging about my days thus far...i know. It's not about life or anything. Sucks, doesn't it?
I've been in one of those moods that has made me shiver and cringe. I just haven't ...
Posted by PSMC on Fri, 25 May 2007 10:29:00 PST
sky rockets in flight, afternoon delight
...and the thought of loving you is getting so exciting.
It's fun to be in the know, to have the skinny, the scoop, to be able to go up to someone and say "I know something you don't know!" T...
Posted by PSMC on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 11:26:00 PST
jello is for winners
Energy and sickness is what's driving me towards the insanity of life.
Haven't really done this in a while. My girlfriend was acutally in the blogging mood and put me in one. Now i gots ...
Posted by PSMC on Thu, 01 Mar 2007 06:56:00 PST
i know will be alright, it's just overkill
Day after day it reappears, night after night my heartbeat shows the fear.
Just really been looking and noticed that i haven't posted a new blog in quite some time.
I wish things were easie...
Posted by PSMC on Sat, 03 Feb 2007 06:26:00 PST
carry on my wayward son
There'll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more.
More thinking. Love, relationships....tragedy, sadness. These things consume my everyday thoughts.
It ...
Posted by PSMC on Wed, 27 Dec 2006 10:25:00 PST
and you begin to wonder why you came
Just somemore general thoughts about life.
Problems. They take a toll on each of us, some more then others. No one out there can handle their own problems by themselves, wether...
Posted by PSMC on Sat, 23 Dec 2006 01:28:00 PST
Writing for the heck of it today, kiddos.
Such a great song. It baffles me how much this song affects me. It's my set ringtone for special people in my life. I'm not saying this song directly...
Posted by PSMC on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 08:51:00 PST
go team
It's going to be a grrreeeeatttt dayyy!
It's pretty much been a fantastic few days, come to think of it. After all the bad days i've has thusfar, the last few days have made up for it, except...
Posted by PSMC on Mon, 04 Dec 2006 10:31:00 PST
uh huh
Just our luck.
My family always gets screwed over.
First my Aunt Leslie. Then my Grandma. Now my Aunt Donna? Why, oh why, does it happen in a two year span? It is too hard to deal with death in that ...
Posted by PSMC on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 09:06:00 PST
This isn't like every other one i've done.
I really don't know what to say about this. The mind works in mysterious ways. The look on my face on my default picture says it all. I really want to just, ...
Posted by PSMC on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 04:26:00 PST