Vikike profile picture


About Me


Welcome to my [_______] (<=space)!

I like many interesting things, for example: to eat sth specially, to laugh with my friends, to watch tv (news) or to surf the Internet... so, that's my ordinary life in this Planet!

Ok, ok I write more.. :p
Sometimes I ask my Tarot Card what's the future, when I've got time, write my crime storys.
(Some few years back, I get into the top 10 in Hungarian Novel competition.)
If I've got work, I make some graphics, web-sites or something. (not that's my normally job)

"Without music, life would be a mistake." - Friedrich Nietzsche

Thanx God (and the musicians) the music!! :)

Finally, I think the life is very colorful, just open your eyes! <= that's applesouce :D
(oh, sorry my terrible english)

Yours Sincerly,

New songs in my MP3 Player! :)
Get yourown Flash MP3 Player

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hiszek a reinkarnációban, ezért felmerült bennem a gondolat, hogy jó lenne összehozni egy találkozót a régi inkarnációimmal és meginni együtt egy pohár bort/sört és elbeszélgetni. :)

Like me... ^^)

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